eSwiss MoI - Help for active workers

Day 1,129, 09:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Ministry of Interior
Swiss Ministry of Interior - HELP for ACTIVE WORKERS

Swiss Ministry of Interior Invite :

Owners of eSwiss Companies send to us list of Yours active employees ;
- workers/beginners up to level 15 (for all)
- workers up to level 20 (only which have problem with health )

Basic rules :
- send to us PM with workers profiles
- worker must to have citizenship of eSwiss
- last 5 working days - 3 days worked

MoI Help including
-we will contact that employees and will monitor them for a while
-donate food for recovering

Companies which accept this program
-will get our symbolic ''Work Medal'' and be recommended to workers
-will have better productivity from that workers

Help to workers - Help our economy - Increase productivity in Yours companies

Air Herz

Asking for help / Demande d'aide / Hilfe anfordern

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