Estonia, ruler of north europe

Day 520, 03:02 Published in Estonia Romania by konnarcis2

Vote for me in congres, konnarcis2....

why to vote me?

- maybe i am estonian, maybe not
- maybe i am making TO, maybe not
- maybe i want the good of country, maybe i want to sell the country
- maybe i am a romanian spy, maybe i am a hungaryan spy

there are so much things to rethink.......
We have project 27 , yay..... we'll be assured against to

Okay, be real.... we have no clue of what intetions they have...

My purpose is to make estonia the greatest country in the North Europe...
I am candidating at congres, because i want to put my spirit into growth of estonia...
i have great conections with many rulers, and i can get easily economical help, or whatelse we need...
i am pro for conections with finland, but only until we will destroy them...
the same with the baltic alliance,,,,,,
we are not slaves......or even originating from slaves...
we are a mongolic country, not finnish... we even are related with hungaryans...
but this is not important .... all that matters is that if you vote me , you wouldn't regret it...

I swearing that if i get something wrong i will delete my account and start over elsewhere... so if you vote me you'll not lose anything

your protector angel, konnarcis2