Estonia in the world!!!

Day 519, 12:19 Published in Estonia Romania by konnarcis2

I gather opinions of the presidents of this world.....

i asked them three questions : 1. what they think about estonia?
2. can we make diplomatic embassy exchange?
3. can we make a comercial alliance?

1.what you think of Estonia? it is cool, i know some estonians like s33vald and others that used to live in ethai you want to establish a diplomatic contact in our country? can be, talk with calvancanti, my MoFA
3.whould you like to make an comercial alliance? How would work?
thank you for your time...
Antonio salgado, Brazil

1. What i know is Estonia is a Baltic country 🙂
2. We would like to to that 🙂
3. Mutual diplomatic is very good for us 🙂
Mimihitam, China

Well actually I don't know very much about Estonia so there's little I can say about it.
Sure, it's good to have contact with eachother and to know eachother better.
No, India's not interested in any kind of alliance or co-operation at the moment.
Your welcome,
BroodRoosterNL, India

1., We are neutral against Estonia yet, I dont know anything about your future plans. As you now we are in PEACE, it will determine our relations I think.
2., Sure, I'm open for connections with other countries.
3., What kind of commercial alliance do you mean?
Feherlo, Hungary

1. I don´t know many things about eEstonia.
2. Yes, it will be very great. You should create emabassy at our forum .
3. I think, it will be good step for both countries. Send me the terms please.
radim, czech republic

Well Estonia is a new country and I did not have the chance to know much about this country yet, tho I will be glad to expand my knowledge about you guys and to have diplomatic relations 🙂
sadeh badeh, Israel

In a foreign affairs case the best one, if you write to my minister of foreign affairs. His name is Xwolf.
But I believe it so, the two countries may develop a good contact in the future. 🙂
Norbert, Ukraine

good to see u
1.estonia can be big country.
2.why not.
comercial alliance?what u mean?
best regards.
milad_dante, Iran

Hello konnarcis2. I think very highly of Estonia and would very much like to have diplomatic relations. What is your country's attitude towards PEACE? We are always looking to join with those who seek freedom. If we have resources the other needs, then absolutely we should have a commercial alliance or at least some kind of relationship. I would have to put you in touch with my MoF, Hireshmont Vellos, for any trade deals, however.
Thank you
You should also visit our forum and set up an embassy there.
jizzie mcguire, south africa

Dear konnarcis2,
1. I don't really know Estonia in erepublik. I hope the country will be spared from outsiders taking over the country for the wrong reasons. It is good to see more countries getting added to erepublik.
2. For diplomatic contact I would advise to contact our Minister of Foreign Affairs. His name is Flando
3. Unfortunately economic treaties are not part of the game, so it is hard to actually set up a commercial alliance. Maybe you have a suggestion of how to do it?
Kind regards,
President United Netherlands

1. I think that Estonia is a beautifull place with friendly people.😛
2. If you're a Neutral Country or "Pro-Atlantes". Yes 😁 (My Minister of Foreigner Affairs is Pepu).
3. Maybe, What type of business alliance looking for?
President of Spain

Hello and thank you for you message.
1. I never speak for real life in this game 🙂 I know little about Estonians in eRepublik. Maybe you have strong community and hope it is like that and you are unite for the good of your country. 🙂 As new country I wish you luck, keep developing and protect your freedom.
2.We consider every country as friend unless it has shown any aggressive attitude towards us. Of course if the country has aggressive attitude towards our ally from PEACE GC we will help our ally but still we will keep the diplomatic relations with it. We are not an aggresive country neither our alliance is. We do not attack to conquer, just in defense 🙂 we are open to communicate with every country.
3. What do you mean by "commercial alliance"? You should give me example for this and I will answer your question 🙂
Bimba , Bulgary

I would love to have some diplomatic contacts. Please contact Ogdensign about exchanging embassies.
Scrabman - eUSA President

1.We want to have good relations with you.
2.We will be thinking of that,our forum if you need it is
3.Commercial alliance?Can you be more specific?
Makoulian, greece

1. i cant really say anything yet... i need to see their government 1st.
2. I would.
3. how d that be done? atm there are no trade agreements.
Slovenia, karantec

1.Estonia is a new and growing country. I think that it will continue to grow and could became a good country if you prevent TO risk. Estonia hasn't an official government, so I don't know what will happen in a few days.
2. Well, if you mean a contact on dialogue I say "sure!". But in terms of consulate generally is the smaller country that bases one in a bigger country. So I say again "sure!"
3. Yeah, in terms of trade agreements. I welcome discussion of any type of economic agreement!
thank you
eitalian president

1. Dunno, I haven't really had so many experiences with Estonia.
2. Of course I would!
3. No. We are pretty clear on that point in eDenmark, that we are completely neutral.
hrbjorn, denmark

Hello konnarcis2.
1. I know nothing of Estonia as it is a very recently established nation.
2. Diplomatic contacts are always nice. You should contact our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marten1000 about that. You can also set up an embassy on Swedens forum,
3. I'm not sure what you mean there.
I wish you well.
Algaroth, sweden

Hi we have no real stance towards estonia at this moment in time, however we are willing to discuss things. Please can you contact our Director of Foreign ffairs: GloriousFailure
big boy bulley, phillipines

i will wait for more opinions.....

I want volunters in foreign affairs, i need more ambasadors...... whoever wants please contact me...

Konnarcis2, your faithful god, that will always protect estonia