eSth Africa : Economy & Production

Day 530, 09:18 Published in South Africa Ukraine by Australian Warlord

In war, a economy must have the correct priorities. The eSth African economy doesn't. In eSth Africa we're seeing gifts being given high priority at the expense of Q1 weapons. In plain English, Q1 wespons are more important.

Closed Q1 Weapons eBusinesses (stat of owner unknown)

Understaffed Q1 Weapons eBusinesses (3 workers)
(several others with 8 employees)

Understaffed Q2 Weapons eBusinesses (3 employees) (2 employees)

(note : probably dead eBusinesses not included)

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In contrast there's numerous gift eBusinesses operating at full or part capacity. No the eSth African government can't shut the gift eBusinesses down but they shouldn't be encouraging gifts over weapons. The eSth African government hands out gifts to people, encouraging it's production & it came as little surprise to discover that gifts have just 1% income & 1% VAT tax.

If eSth Africa expects to have any chance of winning this war the leadership needs to sharpen it's management quick smart. Without proper management eSth Africa has real problems.