eSrpski Texas/ eSerbian Texas

Day 1,248, 10:10 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by Skvad Rising

Dragi moji,

nase istocne komsije vec mjesecima mastaju o proboju na sjevernoamericki kontinent i osvajanju Texasa. Posto je do sad svima jasno da dok je DSS na vlasti, ovo nece da se desi, Bosanci su ko prave komsije odlucili da pomognu. Ovim putem pokrecemo peticiju preimenovanja jedne originalne regije eBiH. Ideja je da se West Srpska Republic preimenuje u Texas kako bi nase komsije konacno ostvarile svoj cilj koji sanjaju vec mjesecima.
Izbor regije je bio prilicno jednostavan jer u posljednje vrijeme sila broj jedan u erepubliku moze samo da osvoji regije 'strasne' eBiH koja remeti mir u regionu sa svojih 300 aktivnih igraca. Pomozite nasim istocnim komsijama i potpisite peticiju preimenovanja WSR u Texas kako bi im pomogli da ostvare svoj cilj. Ipak nije red da sila broj jedan zivi u kavezu i ne moze do srpskog Texasa.

Sign za srpski Texas!


Dear friends,
our eastern neighbors for months have been fantasizing about the American territories and the conquest of Texas. It is clear to everyone that while the DSS is on power, this will not happen, the Bosnians are real neighbors who decided to help.
Therefore, we are launching a petition to rename the original region of eBiH.
The idea is to rename the West Srpska Republic into Texas, so that our neighbors can finally realize their dream
Selection of the region was fairly easy because lately the number one force in eRepublik can only win the regions of 'terrifying' eBiH which disturbs the peace in the region with its 300 active players. Help our eastern neighbors and sign the petition to rename the WSR in Texas to help them achieve their goal. It's not OK to make the srtongest eRep country to live in a cage without eSerbian Texas.

Sign for Serbian Texas!