eSouth-Africans A Carefree People!

Day 396, 08:57 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

Why do I say this?Well,it seems that eS.A citizens have no problems at all.
Except for a few who complained about the lack of food and gifts on the market,no one really gets worked up about this.Do our citizens get their daily necessities from abroad?If so general attitude towards this problem is understandable.
On the other hand,how can anyone expect the masses to be active when we have ministries that have had no activity whatsoever?I am talking about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Deus Ex.Apparently nothing is going on abroad,there is no world war happening and we won't be faced with a choice as to who our allies are.But then again,maybe that is not the business of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,maybe this ministry keeps a close eye on the affairs people abroad are having.Who knows?Not us that's for sure.
Another ministry that has done nothing yet is the Ministry of Health.Then again,who needs it?I must also confess that I have no idea who Ethaya(our minister in this area for those of you who are wondering) is,she hasn't been active on the forums and as far as I know she doesn't have any plan for our health system.
Another ghostly figure on our political stage is our very own president who,I'm sorry to say,hasn't done much since his election,or,if he has he didn't tell us he did it.

Unfortunately,this is the situation we're in.So I urge all citizens to become more active in public life.State your opinions,yell about them,annoy everyone with them.But for Pete's sake DO SOMETHING!
Here's the link to the forum,which I urge you to at least visit,if not join.