eSouth African Haiku

Day 258, 19:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

The New Onion would like to take this opportunity to encourage more artistic expression about daily life here in eSouth Africa. And what abetter way to express ourselves than by the gentle and soothing art of Haiku? While under occupation by the smiling and tongue-clicking Japanese after the war I took the time to learn some of the art and I think we will all enjoy writing a poem today.

The traditional structure consists of lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.

Here is mine:

SA is so hot
The sunshine is relentless
I can't find a job

Yes yes folks, I do give autographs but only in person. Okay, now after being inspired by my beautiful yet gentle soul, poured open for all in that stunning poem, how about we all contribute one? Don't be afraid to be creative and try hard!