eSouth Africa- The Judas of Sol

Day 782, 04:43 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

As the Brazillian hordes invaded WA and the NT, eSA our ally and friend was under attack by a PTO threat. However if your looking for the answer to the following question

'but how did Brazil even reach us'

Then look no further than Judas my fellow countrymen. For they swapped regions with Brazil to allow them to attack us, and now as they relaised we won the war they are desperatly trying to befriend us again. Well too late I say!
You screwed us over and sold us out for your own skin. You say you want to maintain good relations with all your neighbours. Good job buddy. Cuz seems to me sellin our your friends and more importantly ALLIES is not, suprisingly the way to maintain friendship.
And now you block us by refusing to allow us to chase after the retreating mongrals.
Your worse than scum. Your tratiours.
I've always said this about you. Now I've got real reason.
On to Rio!
But lets stop in Cape Town first!

"You can't play the neutral card, screw a country over, then come back with the neutral card again. Once you've abused it, you have lost your moral authority to ever use it again"