eRussias future: The sleeping bear

Day 626, 12:43 Published in Russia Russia by Alexei Kiramov

Issue 5: English Version
Russian version will be coming up for Russian readers.

Main article:
Along RL Russia’s turbulent history, many time's it has been referred to as the 'sleeping bear'. I now once again I use this term, only this time to describe eRussia.

It is emphasised in this game to keep RL things out of it, but I go against that in this article because the development of eRussia directly corresponds to the development of RL Russia. eAmerica, up till recently, had the most amount of players in the game. Of course they did, America is a rich country with the amount of internet users only second to china. People there can afford to spend hours on the computer, and only the poorest of the poor don't have them.

I visit RL Russia every 2 years. When I visited 6 years ago, owning a home computer was somewhat of a prestige. But now, every time I visit more and more of my friends there have computers. Russia has a rising middle class, and more people can afford to spend time on the computer, not just for work, but for fun. This factor will mean more and more Russian’s will find their way to this game and Russia’s internet usage surges. Who would turn down an opportunity to end the cold war how it should have ended? And so eRussia is a ticking time bomb, a sleeping giant, waiting to explode.

Another factor is the obvious. It’s the summer holidays and the majority of rl Russians are in their summer homes or 'Dacha's'. Dachas don't usually have internet. When school starts again, thousands of bored teenagers will be stuck at home again, and if they have time (I heard Russian school's set loads of homework) they will go on the internet. And what could be better than a baby boom of crazed, patriotic and bored teenagers flooding Russia, willing attack anyone their president demands!

Of course however, there is another RL country going through similar changes at the moment and that’s China. Imagine a baby boom in eChina! X-D 1000 new players a day! To prove my point, go on google homepage and type in ‘I am e’ don’t press search, just look at the suggestions thats come down X-D it is beginning.... u may not be able to tell the difference between them, and you may wonder what kind of a retard would use chopsticks instead of cutlery, but they are one determined lot!

And so in my opinion, eRussia's moment of glory will come when Peace collapses and the world will be out for the taking. This may come in 2 months or a year, but there will be a day when eRussia will march on Europe.
Of course my only proof and disproof is time. In the end however China will screw us all....just like in RL eh? X-D

Side Article:
This newspaper has gone from 0 to almost 60 in a week or 4 articles! This is a success and it will only grow more as I have introduced Russian versions. However I do feel guilty, this is less of a newspaper and more of a magazine of my thoughts, but whilst you enjoy them, I don't see any problem with it.

There is one this bugging me; the most amounts of votes I got were for my first article: 54 votes.
I really want to beat that! It would be amazing to be in the top 5 for once, so come on!

Fact of the day:
Go on the Google homepage and type 'Stupid a', but don't click search, just look at the suggestions that come down X-D hope it works for you! If you're reading this in Russian, don't forget to write it in English.
this had me laughing for 5 minutes.

VOTE VOTE VOTE lets beat 54 and beyond!

P.s. A friend 'Andcetera' also suggests using google to see the suggestions for 'why are americans so' and 'why are russians so' same with chinese 😉