eRussian Daily Review — 830. Saturday

Day 832, 13:35 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />

In this issue:
At a glance: Should bot-elected congressmen renounce their medals?
Digitalism: Popular Opinion
Comics: Economic Module v2.0" />
Interviewer – Borfel

Voting activity is traditionally higher during the nights – everyone knows it. In this case, situation on yesterday’s Congress elections wasn’t very different. After the announcement of election results community suspected some elected congressmen in usage of the “iron friends”.

The editorial of eRussial Daily Review had decided to appeal to the ethical side of the problem of “iron voting” and interviewed some elected candidates and indifferent citizens:

If the candidate is considered to be an active and experienced player by a community, but he got into Congress using bots (probably he may not know about it), should he renounce the medal?

Lika_777, eRA Nova party chairman:

- I got in a similar situation now, you know. I could have been elected to Congress using wildcards, but one good-willing person provided me with 20 extra votes, while I was asleep (got distracted from the elections for 5 hours and...). For what reason? I don't know. I could have been elected without it. But many people gave their votes for me, over 60 votes in total. I won’t justify my voters' trust if I leave now! They have chosen me and I will work.

As for your question, I can say that it’s an everyone’s personal matter. I mean, it is never too late to renounce your medal. But it is much harder to take the responsibility and show yourself as an active and worthy congress member.

Ars.Rus, de facto DEP party leader:

- After the previous election campaign I renounced from the congress for this reason.

When it comes to my opinion, I consider it a difficult question. On the one hand a person can be eager to work in a Congress, to be a literate person, I mean. But unfortunately he applied for elections in a disadvantageous region, his party does not provide him with any support, he doesn't have many friends. So, there’s only one option left – “ask” bots for help. But we mustn’t forget that a congressman is a living citizens' choice, not a bots' one. I think, it’s impossible to give a certain answer there, because every single case is unique.

mogaba, congressman, the ambassador of eRussia in eChina and eJapan:

- I consider it a personal matter of every individual. If we are talking about the case when a new-elected congressman didn’t know that he had a bot support during the campaign – it is an unpleasant situation, and there is no proper way out. Nothing will change if you refuse to be an MP – there's just one congress member less. It would be humiliating for me if I continued working in Congress knowing that I am here due the help of the “iron friends”. But it’s for you to decide whether it is good or not.

Ollger, an extreme journalist:

- It a matter of his or her conscience, not the Ollger’s.

Geniuse, current congress candidate:

- The first thing, that comes to my mind is “Yes. Of course iron-chosen candidate should leave”, but when I thought it over a bit, I realized that if all honest, experienced and active players shall follow this principle (take their mandates off), soon bot-breeders will use this method to kick them out of the Congress. So, there can’t be a universal answer, every case is unique. The main thing is to be honest to yourself – that’s what I think. If you’re sure that you can be chosen as Congress member without “iron”, then stay and work." />
Author - Jiharka.

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Author - Borfel.

Vox populi

eCulture is an important part of community that helps to save players from pestilent influence of DDM (Doomsday Machine).
What initiatives should we develop here? We are waiting for readers answers here .

Editor - M--H, vice-editor - Skip_C_Dragg, layout - ngineer, translation — Vorpall, proofread — Kot Kot

We have the following vacant positions:
- journalist
- journalist-analytic
- journalist-chronic
- translator (any languages)
- editor

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