eRussian Daily Review - 750. Wednesday

Day 751, 12:11 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Damn Tricky Plans

Worldwide Events
Official eAmerican Stand on eJapan
A View from eJapan
Media War
French Fatigue
Some Numbers on Romania

Facebook incoming!
Brothers in arms
Surfing the patriotic wave
eRussia - the bourgeois?
When bots were younger and the trolls were greener...

The Editorial staff



Damn Tricky Plans

Five days have passed since the president was elected. eRDR decided to check, how the president is doing.

— Fisrt of all, may we ask: how come your candidacy for presidency was the one proposed by the two largest eRussia parties at once?
— Initially I was proposed by the Dark Empire Party alone: the majority of the party voted for me. Free Russia Party supported our opinion, because they believe that we should have united our forces running the country long ago instead of pouring streams of dirt trolling each other..

— What does eRussia seek to achieve in the nearest future?
— Above all, the New Year 🙂 We seek to achieve population growth (now the Minister of Information is working on that issue, and we may await a gradual growth of population), to strengthen our influence in Asia along with PHOENIX. And, well, I hope to initiate interesting and useful wars, as well as to conquer all the imperial borders of real Russia.

— How is the population growth going to be achieved?
— Through some music communities which give an opportunity to gain a considerable number of "live" players.

— What's your opinion of PHOENIX? What role is assigned to eRussia in PHOENIX?
The role for eRussia in PHOENIX is not assigned, it is consolidated with dignity. We are at a level no lower than Indonesia or Hungary, and our voice really matters in all sorts of debates and voting.

— What actions will be taken regarding the eUSA aggression?
— It depends on what the USA is seeking. Today they are conquering eJapan regions, apparently getting closer to iron rich region of Hungary. If they manage to conquer it, Hungary will be stricken bad. In this case we will put all our effort to put off the conquest of Northern Korean regions and try to organize a counterattack.

— Tell us a little about the renewed structure of Ministries.
— Well, the basic structure has already been introduced. Every Ministry has a structure model like the military one, which has been developed and tested long ago. For example, Ministry of Foreign Affairs looks like this. now. It's organized in a very good graphic pattern that provides for competent work.


The Appeal American Ambassador in Japan
The Newly Elected USA President's Article
The USA's Ex-President's Article
All three articles present an American view on the war with Japan. Tobe brief: Japan is giving a passage to Asia for the Iranian and Hungarian iron. But they do not want to do a region swap, so what cannot be done peacefully Americans decided to take by force.

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Another article on the war. This time from Japan.
However, the true Japan's intentions have been, and in some sense still are, unknown until the end of the battle.

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Japan is overtaken by a media war. The article states that the military organisation has been hacked, and real orders will be here. However, the donation list says otherwise.

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The president of France is tired. This is what the meaning of the whole article is about. 2000 Gold and all the foreign currency have been taken from the Treasury to compensate the moral damage. Chebbba tells the story better.

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A really good set of statistical data on Romania.


Time zone - eRepublik.

New proposal - The Hobby Clubs

Facebook incoming! ~14:00. Dec09. 749
SkyBB has halted his goose studying for a bit and suddenly discovered that the job is actually the only place in the whole eWorld to visit. The decision was instant - let everybody have their own theme park with bla... oh, I mean their own hobby clubs with Texas Hold'em and young innocent girls.

Macedonia Timeless and the Cossacks proclaim the common declaration.
Brothers in arms ~1:00. Dec09. 750
The Cossacks and the Macedonians have decided to unite their political efforts.

A sad story about the Fail-nation

Surfing the patriotic wave ~4:00. Dec09. 750
A good translation of an article describing the 6 greatest geopolitical fails of the eUSA

(Sunbeliever) Hey, eRussia you've gone completely nuts!
eRussia - the Bourgeois? ~8:00. Dec09. 750
Independent opinion: eRussia has made all the way from being a victim to being a bully. But nobody suffers more mockering from Russia than Russia itself.

Flashback: a year ago...
When bots were younger and the trolls were greener... ~8:00. Dec09. 750
The memoires of a guy, who've been in the game for a year so far. With all the consequences. "No guts, no glory".

Main editor - Fillosof, Corrector - ТРАКТОР, interview — shamut, Chronology — M--H, layout — ngineer

The editorial staff is looking for:
- journalists (experience isn’t obligatory);
- IT-specialist;
- Maker-up;
- Cotacts;
Contact us by Skype: m....h3.

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