eRussian Daily Review - 749. Tuesday

Day 750, 05:55 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

USA is rushing to Asia

The Structure of Power
eRussian Nanotechnologies corporation
HewRoo - Programme. Part.2 The Corruption
Iron curtain. Phoenix magic.
Intriguing national ideas-fix

Official and regular media

Editors office information



USA is rushing to Asia

Yesterday at 20:20 (Moscow time) USA assaulted Japan. We've asked sir FOR_MOTHER_RUSSIA (a Congressman, MoD Deputy, member of the Strategic Council) for explanations on this.

The Strategic Council believes that most likely the American goal is the iron-rich regions of Hungary and Iran. There is a chance that EDEN has an agreement with Japan and China, so they'll just let US troops pass all the way to their target. The reason for that is a high percentage of pro-American citizens in both of these countries' power structures. More detailed look on the subject can be found in chebbba's article. Also FOR_MOTHER_RUSSIA himself didn’t ignore such an important issue.

However Japan doesn't hurry up to give up its regions. Moreover eRussia can fight on Japanese side due to the MPP. Meanwhile, Hungary and Serbia have signed MPPs with Japan too, so it will become activated on the attack on the Japan’s original region. If Japan doesn't retreat, we'll be able to watch "EDEN vs Phoenix" tank battle.

In the case there is a Japan-USA conspiracy, and if Japan decides to retreat from its own regions, there can be several possible scenarios of upcoming events. But there is no guaranteed protection from EDEN actions then.


Время - eRepublik.

The Structure of Power
Mr President from the pit of Hell. ~01:00. Dec07. 748
Our new Boss has pulled the jacket off the lumbering, clangorous state machine and narrowly described its entrails. If you didn’t even have a clue that we have the Military-Industrial Board go watch and get thrilled. The kickback-misappropriation scheme at its best and illustrated in eRussian leader’s article. Funny, right under the scheme there are the explanations to each element, starting with Parliament, however there is no such word as “Parliament” on the scheme. Pretty “symbolizing”.

eRussian Nanotechnologies corporation
Anatoly Chubais* v4.0. ~03:00. Dec07. 748
God bless eRussian nanotechnologies! Thanks to innovative discoveries, the kickbacks became even more effective and safe for environment. The most up-to-date scientific researches and corruption nanotechnologies is right what is vital for our country! eRussia must be among the leaders of nanotechnological kickbacks. The nanokickback nanotechnologies are nanoactively entering our nanolives – read the RosNano budjet in the bottom of the article.

*Wiki will readily help you to know who is Anatoly Chubais and why is he so infamous in RL Russia.

HewRoo - Programme. Part.2 The Corruption
Fight the corruption with the bureaucracy! ~07:00. Dec07. 748
Although the editorial board doesn’t usually accept political articles in the Chronology, this time we’ve got an outstanding article, in which the author narrowly reveals all types of corruption and methods to oppose it. And well, if you aren’t aware yet, last time this author has labeled all eRussian citizens as either valid or invalid. Yes, Mein Kampf as it is. Take a good look at author’s avatar, doesn’t he have typical infamous mustaches?

Iron curtain. Phoenix magic.
Iron Failix. ~18:00. Dec07. 748
Hardly anyone can be sure about how will the changes in tax regulations effect the country, there are barely less opinions than the discussants. Here is one of the most complex and well-reasoned thoughts on the subject. The summary is: the reform is a fail. It’s more beneficent for Phoenix to hold its iron and thus upkeep EDEN’s iron thirst. The shortage of iron will lead to lack of EDEN’s damage and allow us to conquer them much, much faster.

Intriguing national ideas-fix
National idea-fix. ~21:00. Dec07. 748
The translation of Insider’s article by Maria Radchenko. At the first glance it’s just a typical article on the innovations in politics, but we do know – the main issue can be revealed via the link to a picture below. Some funny people claim that she will be giving military orders and special assignments to us. “Lol, sure”, - thinks the population and tries to pretend it's focusing on her eyes. Attention to the donaters! It’s 75% cheaper to become parter now! All details are inside.

Green marine. ~00:00. Dec08. 749
A notable analyst and one of the few independent observers, correctly considered the most sharp, honest and incorruptible critic of our time – Ollger proposed an interesting plan of psychological oppression of the foes. The idea is to build a giant device on the shore – a hybrid of a megaphone and a fan and aim it towards the US. The megaphone increases the waves produced by an improved lower-back-hurt-o-generator and the fan guarantees the delivery of the waves to the shore of USA. During the beta test there has been discovered an exciting feature – the greener is the device the browner are the waves it does produce. Ollger also proposes to form a special platoon of facepalm-fail-comedians for penetration of the foreign media.

Official and regular media:
(Morning radio interception) Day 749, 06:00 +small UPD – Digest of the foreign Ministries of Defense orders.

Main editor - Fillosof, Corrector - ТРАКТОР.

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