eRussian Daily Review - 744. Thursday [EN]

Day 744, 11:18 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Minister of Defence Found

What usually happens on the 1st of December? If course, winter begins and the New Year comes closer... But we have received a new eMinister of Defense on that day.

The post is taken by the second-in-command of HabraReaction, Alexey, who is known as AGolyatkin here in eRepublik.

Here's our interview with him.
- Alexey, you're not a very famous person in eWorld, please tell something about yourself.
- My name is Alexei, I'm 23. I live by turns in Krasnodar and Saint-Petersburg. I work as a director of the IT department of a chain store. I'm keen on management and psychology. I love listening to good music. Also, I practice some active sports: snowboarding, karate and taekwondo and I'm interested in field sports. Not married, no children. My girlfriend also plays eRepublik 🙂.

- Why did you decide to take the position of eMinister of Defence?
- I'd like to avoid answering this question directly; I'd better tell you about my military career.
One and a half month ago I was eager to get into the army to get a small addition to my modest salary of an average weapon company worker. But they didn't let me in. At all! Firstly, my strength didn't fit, then the rank, then there were no free positions etc. This upset me so much that i decided to PM legendary Ptitzin. The answer came surprisingly fast, he connected me to 4ert, then to Sergius I, then to a3th3r, and finally I was placed into one of the divisions of the 4th company of HabraReaction… oooh! How nice the eRussian Army uniform was for me! After a week of annoying a3th3r with ideas about optimization of work they got too tired of it and promoted me to the the commander's seat of the 1st division of the 4th company and told me something like «If you're so active — just go and implement it all». Then I spent the following 1,5 weeks in Google spreadsheets, reports, calculations, encouragement schemes, management upgrades and so on. After this, I delivered a new royal pain in the neck to my commander (a3th3r), that I needed this and that and he promoted me further to the commander of the 2nd company of HabraReaction.
Here I met the difficulties.
The «business-process» was settled in a week. The problem was that the commanders have to manage their divisions by themselves and ask their soldiers to report. I broke this vision of work and implemented the scheme that encouraged the soldiers to demand the activity from themselves, and the commanders have just to direct their soldiers. At the same time, the company's damage cost dropped from 2,8 to 2,49 that was quite a nice bonus. Two weeks in the 2nd command — and a new «disaster» — a shuffle of positions in HabraReaction. Division of soldiers by strength, division of payment rates, post factum payments. At this time I was added to the general council, where, together with Sergius I blew the brains of Kalimbo, romool. I proved, argued, composed the documents, reports etc...

- Who offered you to become the eMinister of Defence?
- I just returned home from my training and saw a message in Skype that had been left 2 hours before that «where are you?», I answered «I'm here». Then 5 Assistants of the Minister of Defense and the Presidents:«Alexey, we've got an offer for you». And after an hour of negotiations I accepter the offer.

- What changes should we wait for in the in the near future?
- That quite a hard for the first day in my new position. Pardon.
I think no one in the MoD can answer this question unambiguously and correctly. We need to change the organisational structure. We need to see it clearly. This is how I see it: there will be some changes in the types of management of different types of military forces. And before we do something — we need to develop the system of key efficiency indexes for the different types of forces and their tasks (it's quite stupid to try to motivate the Elite for the huge background amount of damage, while the irregular army divisions need smooth and stable growth of ranks). After developing the system of key indexes we will see the transparent troops management system (what/how/when/in which quality we would like to get); the liabilities will be settled.

- What strategic goals do you think eMOD has now??
- Every MOD has the following goals:
а) Provide maximum growth of eRussia's citizens' strength;
b) Provide maximum efficiency in spending money for "tanks" in the decisive battles (plans are being made which would allow spending the given
budget for maximum(decisive!) damage);
c) Develop attacking and defensive strategies considering MPP's. Provide minimum cost of train battles (right now we negotiate Korea).

- Some wishes to the readers?
- Friends! If you are reading this text now, I shake your hands for being strangers to the concept of two-clicking. You are the heroes of your eCountry already. And you particularly determine the eHistory. I wish everybody to open their friends' page, find their two-clicker friends and send them a card with a reminder about our wonderful eWorld!
Good luck everyone!


Time: eRepublik.

My advice to the future president
Corrupt Press. ~4:00. Dec2. 743
Disguised as a normal citizen, a spy and a provoker has wormed his way into our united community and tried to manipulate our president and provoke him to give up all the country's regions. Fortunately, the spy miscalculated his strategy and turned on the zombie-maker at the wrong time, when new elections are at the doorstep. However, a special team has been assigned to catch the spy. Find the composite picture of the spy inside.

Empire Services
Nine circles. ~8:00. Dec2. 743
Yesterday a solemn ceremony opening a Beelzebub Health Resort took place, the ribbon was cut by the Satan himself. The most up to date and efficient healing methods can be found in the resort. Healing brimstone baths, stake aerobics and joyful dances on a pan every evening are offered. Call now, there are still some spots available.

Congress newspaper#7 + Weekly activities' report [TOP]
Sit down, F. ~10:00. Dec2. 743
Congress newspaper by FOR_MOTHER_RUSSIA keeps on publishing discrediting evidence on congressmen, nailing the organization's coffin. 13 congressmen are inactive, 7 haven't voted on the budget and are cashing in a little on the passports. Also, the Congress invited bids for supplying a coffee-machine with the highest volume, because the old one washes poorly.

Newspaper support in eRussia
A labor union. ~11:00. Dec3. 743
The government is once more suspected in manipulating the public mind. The author also suggests that even the "For media struggle" award is aimed at discrediting the very idea of free press.

Very Good Bussiness.
Who holds the baby in oligarchy? ~10:00. Nov29. 740
Attention! A real oligarch doesn't build empires from the scratch! He buys the bankrupt ones!

Official permanent editions:

Editor - М--Н, proofreader - vermicellion.
Vacancies to be filled in:
-journalists (experience not required);
- IT person;
- maker-up;
- experts;
Contact Skype: m....h3.

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