eRussian Daily Review - 742. Tuesday [EN]

Day 742, 10:37 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

How did Orda troll the Congress
John Cornwell

An interesting request found its way in the budget of 30.11-13
"4.4 Development of iron industry – 5400 roubles

A commentary from the chief of Economic Committee was attached to it:

- 5400 rubles should be spent to develop iron industry and to increase amount of economic relations with allied economics of Serbia. It would be a single payment (the idea can be developed, but only after the trial’s results). It’s not possible now to reveal the details of the plan, because the negotiations are in the final stage. A detailed report of costs and profits of Russia can be given in 1-3 days after the grant.

The item 4.4 passed with 23 affirmative votes and 6 negative votes.

But later there was Orda’s appeal to deputiesIt was an attempt to shake up the Congress and to demand for more transparency.

- The work was completely paralyzed by the highest level of two-clicking for last 3 convocations. Any rubbish got support and it was impossible to bring a rational idea in law-making process. There was only “yes”- reflex (“Kemskaya volost? Okay, take it, we are rich enough!”) All the work was made on amoeba’s level.

Then Orda explained the reason of the item 4.4 in the budget:

- Be happy. We (yes, WE, not YOU) got money for upgrade of our 3-quality mine to 4-quality (that’s 100 gold) and we got license for trade with Serbia (20 gold), the rest is a salary of the curator of the project. The only profit for eRussia is another satisfied citizen. Wake up already. What is the damn use of the government, if there is no interesting news for the society? Whan you are supporting rubbish , you are destroying even attempts for transparent work of the government. If there is no detailed explanation for the project, the project MUST BE REJECTED. Bots in the game can be used to harm or to bonify, but bots in Duma can only harm.

Some congressmen gave their reasons for the voting:
NetNazgul: "I voted for the item 4.4 only because I trusted you. It was fun, so my vote wasn’t wasted."
Luzhkow:"My vote was the last one, so it didn’t have any influence."

The congressmen, who vote against the item 4.4:
- Viva (он был в курсе замысла Орды)
- Divine Shadow
- Orda ("чтобы не лоббировать свой пункт&quot😉
- DuckRoll
- Lenin
- 4epT

Of course, the money was returned in the Treasury, but it doesn’t solve the problem in the whole.

We asked Divine Shadow - one of those congressmen who voted against item 4.4:
- Neither me or other communist knew about Orda’s plan, but we suspected that there is a trap. Well, there is such a thing as the list of trusted people, who can put forward laws for budget. But I’m strictly against it, because all congressmen should be equal and they should be equally trusted. Just don’t be lazy and read carefully the projects, because there can be traps or fails. A congressman must at lest read the whole documentation about the project before voting.


Time set - eRepublik.

The Congress. An alternative report. This is how we work.
Secretary’s socks in a coffee-machine. ~7:00. Nov30. 741
A report from the Congress meeting, that was held in a new building, because the old one had suddenly turned green. Discussions about the destiny of the nation and politician’s speeches, heated debates and reformative suggestions – all of these in sanchoyz’s article.

The Start
First money, then guns. ~7:00. Nov30. 741
The government program of home guard’s financing began to work! If you are not in the army, you have a possibility to buy guns at the price reduced by half in comparison with the market price. All smart weasels already have read, how they can make money on it and now they greedy rub their hands.

Rush and snatch! ~10:00. Nov30. 741
Famous provoker Orda reveal the whole system of how our elected make decisions. The system that doesn’t exist! Because of this wonderful occasion Orda gives guns at no cost (almost). The details about the plunder of the century are inside.

The congress’ Reporter #5 + Day Summary of MoD
For Mother Russia ~10:00. Nov30. 741
It looks like we have two different congresses. One of them consists of trolls and quarrels almost for 100%, and the seconf one do all the job. FOR_MOTHER_RUSSIA is in the second one and he invites you to come and see, what normal congressmen do.

Bye (c).
Torn away. ~12:00. Nov30. 741
Capushon has fought DDM (Doom Day Machine) in face to face combat, but he was hit by main caliber. Pray for the hero, the leader and the citizen. Heirs are already crowd around the grave.

Lecture 2. How organize people in eRepublic?
Puppet show. ~14:00. Dec1. 741
World-known psychologist Borges16 made a new best-seller “How to rule the world and don’t get caught”. How to be an ideal manager, how to motivate your workers and where you can hide the bodies – read in the article.

Put in a word for the Russian language.
Me not understand you. ~14:00. Dec1. 741
The article of Forzen, who is a modest librarian and a man, who care about purity of the native language. Forzen calls you to abandon all foreign vocabulary in speech. “People, how can you speak this way, throw this word away. It corrupts the language and never fit into. Abandon the word “voted”. Use a perfect, ancient Russian word “батат”.

Cooperative Economics
Ten is a company ~21:00. Dec1. 741
The economist-beginner, SantaKlaus publishes newest achievements of native science. In a nut-shell: you will be rich, if you find ten people, who will work for you. Three miles of explanations are included.

A subjective opinion
I have erected to myself a monument not made by hand… ~23:00. Dec1. 741
Awaking from the sleep, citizens were surprised to find a high brown pyramide, that tower above the horizon this morning. The fact was that HankScorpio run an experiment of creating an artificial volcano, which will produce high-quality fertilizer. The first results (check the link) are very encouraging and tells of high potential of the invention. Amount of the product surprises even experts (Ollger and the others)

Official day issues:
Vacancies in Analytic department - MoFA newspaper.

Chief editor - М--Н. Translator - Mahorka
Vacancies to be filled in the editorial staff:
- journalists (experience not required);
- IT person;
- maker-up;
- experts;
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