eRussian Daily Review - 741. Monday [EN]

Day 742, 02:52 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Trolls in Congress?

Yesterday evening, the eRussia's president Sasha237 brought before our eyes a scandal in Congress. To be short, the issue is an argument on the government budget.

We turned to the first-hand participants of the conflict for explanation. Borison, the Congress speaker:
- Everything started from this . While the first Hank's point raised indignation only in communists and some eRa; the second, as you notice when read, offended Sasha237 as a president. There was another point, having to deal with the approval of budget. Alexander the Great (Congressman, Minister of Justice - Editore. ) spent a lot of time blaming everybody for slovenliness and disorder, because many voted for paying Ministries for work after it has been done (paying in arrears for work was initiated by the Congressman Orda).

Alexander the Great:
- The basic issue is that game mechanics only provides for the Congress and President to exist, and everything else is an out-of-game structure, that can be associated with either first of second. If that structure is created on the Congress, then the Congress in the one that finances it. And the ones who work should be congressmen; this is how our committees work. The thing is it's logical that you cannot transfer all the ministries to Duma, because composition of its members will have to change every month. And I am pretty sure we wouldn't be able to fill in all the vacancies by congressmen. Such work is inefficient, moreover, more than a half of the elected just don't want to work, actually. That's why we want to have a constantly running body - the Government, that should be created on the president, just as it is now. Besides this, the goals for them are stated by the president. Don't you think it's strange to see a speaker negotiating an alliance, working on cunning plans, etc. The reason the speaker is not always well-informed about our foreign policy and the problems - we have a new one each month.
Now we don't have an accurate relationship with the congress. Why? Because Congress remembers about the government existence only when the budget is discussed. Only. Nothing else ever interests them. By the way, we never argued reports, and are always ready to submit them.

However, Borison believes that congress neither should control the work of the government, nor influence their work in any way other than money allocation of the budget. But for understanding of the work of the government, congress needs reports, and allocation of the budget money should happen through analyzing the reports.

For now, both sides are ready to find areas of contact.

Most probably, the resignation of the Minister of Education "by mutual consent" was a result of this brick-throwing into each other [url=http://] Fillosof [/url]. Fope25 became the new minister (by the way, he is a congressman). The first thing he is going to do is calling another congressman Vivalaempire to account for fomentation of a scandal between the Congress and the workers of the ministries. Thus, the translation team has refused to carry out government orders starting today. vermicellion, the leader of the Team:
- You see, he, as a member of the economic committee, sincerely believes that everyone should be running on the tips of their toes before the Congress and keep explaining what they have done for their motherland. And then he'll consider whether it is worth paying for and how much. It is either his religion, or his pride, that does not let him to communicate with people directly. Consequently, the last drop was him accusing the minister of Justice of inability to work; a person, whom I deeply respect for his constructive work on regulations and contracts. As opposed to working "for public", what mostly is practiced by our Congress nowadays, large part of his work is classified and unseen to two-clickers. The fact that it is not seen, meaning it is of no interest to members of Congress, first surprised me, then disappointed me by the level of professional aptitude of some newly-(bot-?)elected congressmen. Regarding the fact it insults me, I initiated a strike up to the date when Central Election Committee confirms the authority of the members of Congress. The team supported me. Having the opportunity to bring my point of view to the public, I call all the departments of government that are not occupied in international affairs to strike together. It’s time to explain to some elected representatives of the people that they do not become heavenly beings with right to punish and show mercy after the election, but on the contrary should compromise with all the branches of the government and work together for the good of eRussia.

( in the process of pre-printed preparation an amusing typo was revealedcopromise, which kind of gives a hint what our congressmen do- Editor.)

Other result of “active discussion” was switching the chat for another one. Borison :

- It’s because of the Sasha237 vs. Hank confrontation. In that chat Hank was the creator and had exclusive administration right, he could not have been silenced, but in reality he “flooded” even more than members of radical parties. After their argument with Sasha we discussed that separately and decided to create a new conference.

After the majority of congressmen left the old chat, the ones that left (according to Fope25) started to joke about them bing a chat of the “dissenting” and talk about impeachment ( and a script for “leaving the congress” - Editor ). It must have been the cause of Sasha’s suspicions in the linked article from the beginning of our text. Fope25 :
- There will be no impeachment. We are satisfied with Sasha. And the impeachment law should be saved for after president elections.

by the way, about Sasha. The President believes there is no conflict between the Congress and the Government, but rather a conflict of selected people and each is pulling the blanket to his side. By the way, some of those people, like Fope25, already work in the government. Sasha237:
- It is surprising. However, I don’t mind if he continues 🙂.


Author: thDux

Not long ago we all have suffered disorders in EDEN, started with signing peacy treaty between USA and France. It had really angered and dissapointed most of all Spaniards, then the other countries of EDEN. The situation USA-France has not even calmed down when Peru (PTOed by to Polish para-military groups) has been invaded by the Argentina. Eden was unsure how to react which was pretty notable at Croatian congress, one moment it was YES for MPP with Peru, then it was NO, again YES, again NO, and it ended with DON'T KNOW. Result of voting was 14 Yes - 20 No.
Eden decided to stay neutral in this case. But then the real problem has been created. Spaniards went to Argentina fighting with USA volontiers against Poles who has been assisted by their brothers Croatians and in few moments we had Eden Soldiers fighting against each other. Great Andes falled to Argentinian hands and then huge affair started. Polish citizens started announcing that with new presidental election they will leave Eden, many Croats (I was one of them) said that they will follow Poland if they leave EDEN an we had all catastrophe set up for near future. Every county involved in this conflict thought that they are right and ''opposite side'' is wrong. Also cold official letter camed from EDEN HQ, and i had personaly been very dissapointed with the adittude they were showing to Poland.
All seemed hopeless when I saw that 4 months ago they had promissed to Argentina (who betrayed ATLANTIS and then joined PEACE) it will get Great Andes in next four months
Also not long after Argentina thanking to Spain for their help gave 35% YES for the MPP with Hungary
Sapienti sat.

When Red alert has started that Croatia will be attacked previous events seemed like well-planed move by exPeace forces. 19 battles has been opened on 13 fronts, with one goal – erase Croatia from the map. They have thought that we (ALLIES) while we are still messed up, little bit angry on each other that we will fight only in our ''own'' battles, and care only for our own interest, but they were wrong! Instead of crushing Alliance they strenghten it, instead of making us desperate, they made us smile. We showed despite all bad happenings that we can be one – Alliance which is always there for it's friends.

If we couldn't unite and make peace with each other, then let us be wise and let our enemy do it by granting us this victory in which we all have showed that no matter what happens we can still be together and united and strong and most of all it showed us that we can be – brothers.

I know that this will be hardest to do for Poland – country that I litteraly love and adore – and I completly understand why, but I beg you – stay with us let's give them one more FAIL. We will reform EDEN together, now when we are stronger than ever. And be sure when you start to liberate Peru we will be with you!

Croatia Under Fire
Official White House Press Release #56: EDEN at War
A brief military review and a press release from the White House — lots of useful and interesting information.

Croatia Battles Statistics – Day 738
Detailed statistics of the battle in eCroatia by Tall_niki .

From Indonesia to France
A former congressman of Indonesia is discontented with the attitude of France to his country and declares France as an enemy.

The president of Indonesia asks for 3000 gold for the war against Malaysia.

How can this be possible?
In case you still don't know why the admins have banned keks-n, parter and Sinkler and don't understand why this trinity is about to be canonized — read this.


Time: eRepublik.

Home guard, the citizen boost program
National program "guns to every house". ~2:00. Nov29. 740
Attention, those, who like sales, discounts and loyalty cards. A government program of assistance to impoverished militarists, within the bounds of which you can nicely cash in at the government's expense! Everything you can do is to gather as much money as you can, then send it to the official office's account and government will double it and buy guns for all of it. Voilà, a higher than 180% profit. Be quick, the offer is limited by the size of the treasury; find details and instructions within!

I'll be back. ~6:00. Nov29. 740
The sensational blockbuster continued by A. L. Chemist. The hero and his companions dared to disobey the godly power and obtained the mysterious artifact of transmutation, the legendary Philosopher's stone, but have been stricken dead by the divine powers. It seems Earth has seen its last hope destroyed, but the battle continues! The hero has a twin brother pirozok-n, who decided to avenge his brother's death. The way to heavenly palace is long, the burden of national liberator is huge, but the revenge has to be fulfilled no matter what. In the cinemas all across the worl😛 The Return of The Three Musketeers or Bun With Raisins 2.

News FromRegular Army
Soldier's ration. ~10:00. Nov29. 740
The Administration of eRussian Army has organised a press-conference to declare changing the remuneration of labor system. From now on the soldiers' ration will consist from two parts: basic (bread, water, guns); and cumulative (butter, sausage, caviar from overseas and from aubergine); which would allow every soldier to distinguish himself on the grounds of the aspiration for tasty food. According to the spokesman, Sgt. Pepper: «As you were! Quit sweeping drill square with crowbars, dyeing grass and digging trenches in taiga. Here is not there, a new age comes, old army leave in the past! On behalf of the army commanders I promise that every soldier will be fed healthily and shod safely. That's all.» In response to that, the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers shed a tear of happiness and dissolved itself to their homes.

Give the voice to the people! Take part in discussion of a new law
Where many wild monkeys live. ~10:00. Nov29. 740
Recently every average citizen incautiously peeking into Congress is under a threat of having an impression that inhabitants have lost common sense and just push any random button simply to get a banana into their piggy bank. The epidemic has spread even onto our guarantor who has been noticed in randomly pressing war and embargo buttons. A reliable medical expert sanchoyz suggests to check out his newest vaccine on the superior authority that speeds up the evolution, which would in the nearest future allow to enhance the public image of eRussian Congess in the eyes of the electorate and the world in general. The collateral effects would be restricted only to a decrease of the xp-flow, and that's not crucial for the congressmen that have already had enough. If any other side effects will suddenly turn up — we won't cry for these people.

Day 25.
Discovery channel. ~11:00. Nov29. 740
Hello, my dear audience, our Discovery sasha237 Channel is with you once again. Today we're gonna show you Honduras, a wonderful and misteious country full of uncommon species. Our expedition has been there for three weeks and today i will tell you about the incredible adventures and impressions that we had. We're now in the wild of Honduras and, look over there, we're insufferably lucky to see a swarm of red-cheeked medal carriers, a. k. a. the Congress toads. That's an incredibly rare class of tapeworms feeding with human brains. These creatures also have an outstanding feature: they dissolve any kinds of precious metals without a trace. The whole population now numbers 40 and we're just on time to witness the beginning of their mating season that usually takes the last week of every month. One of the important parts of the ritual for the medal-carriers is shit-throwing, the males try to excel in accuracy and efficiency of the throwings. The best competitor will be rewarded. Now that's a time for a commercial break but after this we will continue. Stay tuned.

[Guides]: Economics (Intermediate). Companies for sale. Part I and Part II.
Who wants to be a millionaire? ~23:00. Nov29. 741
So, you're now familiar with managing a company, and you remember how much resources you have in your company by heart and you can count a pack made up of hundred banknotes in half a minute? Yep, you're a successful businessman now. And now stop playing with your toys and start doing serious business. Buying and selling companies is a real adventure and it depends solely on you whether it will have a happy-end or not. Whirlpools of rishky deals and cruise liners of transnational corportaions, hurricanes of economical crisises and surfs of tax amnesties. A guide into a cruel world of adventures for the real sharks of business by Filosof.

Official daily issues:

Congress Journal #4 - Report on the work done
Weekly Report #6 - Personal report by Kalimbo
eRussian news (3) - eRussian News for non-russian speaking people
How to pay back the creation of newspaper in 4 articles? - Ministry of Information newspaper
MoD Orders for population - Ministry of Defence newspaper
(Guides): Economics (Intermediate). Companies for Sale I. - Former Ministry of Education newspaper
(Guides): Economics (Intermediate). Companies for Sale II. - Former Ministry of Education newspaper

Vacancies to be filled in the editorial staff:
- journalists (experience not required);
- IT person;
- maker-up;
- experts;
Contact skype: m....h3.

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