eRussian Daily Review - 738. Friday [EN]

Day 739, 01:27 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Times = eRepublik.

The Macedonian Question. Are we going to have problems?
They're among us... ~0:00. Nov26. 737
Have you ever felt like you're not alone in your empty apartment? Like someone's looking at you with a cold sight on a dark street? We've got some news for you — you aren't nuts! Our researcher Maria Radchenko has figured out that Macedonians have entered our country and started to breed uncontrollably. Their influence on the organisms of eRussians has not been investigated yet, but we know that the Macedonians have already caused a seasonal aggravation of Butt-Hurt syndrome among the Cossacks. Also, the breeding grounds of the infection have been found; contacting with them could transform any human to a Macedonian. The Government asks its citizens not to panic, all the possible steps to prevent further spread of the infection have been taken.

Some help for the newbies.
Stand your legs apart, feet parralel... ~1:00. Nov26. 737
A famous bald TV presenter in his new program Mongoloid+ tells us about the right Setting-up exercises and why it is better to make them in the daytime. Also, we will find out all the pros of bread-eating on an empty stomach and what time is it better to visit a hospital. The doctor will uncover some tips in fighting against chicken-syndrome. In the end of the program Mongoloid will give a masterclass in karmic urinotherapy and rear chakra massage. Stay healthy!

The Congress elections: summary + analytics
Team classification ~2:00. Nov26. 737
So, today the final qualifying match in triathlon took place. The parties' teams were formed. I remind our readers that the triathlon consists of such disciplines as throwing shit into the fan, loud yelling and cunning capture. During the last week the teams achieved some outstanding results and set some new world records. In particular, one yet unknown team wearing masks that managed to capture the FRP treasury. You can see the complete results table inside. After the end of the qualifying stage, the teams will participate in the main league that will last one more month. Reports on the results will be posted on a regular basis, stay tuned.

One more update of eRepublik: National Idea
A whistle and a firecracker. ~3:00. Nov26. 737
The Romanian admins (as Google says, they call themselves «аdministratorul») decided to pretend they're working hard and posted another result of their five-minute cooperative photoshop effort. Now, they say, the presidents will be chosen like on an auction — who promises more, wins. Make your bets, ladies and gentleman. This scheme ain't gonna work in eRussia — the circle of eRussian President's duties is wider, he won't make any profit from this trinity of promises. But the Romanian admins are satisfied and they fall back to their coma, they have to gain some stomach fat as the new big aim is ahead - one more pretending session, this time on the military module.

RWF official announcement
FRP's rift ~0:00. Nov27. 738
It appears that the discontented young generation of the party has stolen the organizations' passwords and declared revolution. No details yet.

Diary of an emigrant. Day 1.
Vitaly's tractor is now on the Hungarian track ~0:00. Nov27. 738
Tells us that Hungarians are militarized and pay less to the manufacturers. Started missing his eMotherland already.

Official and everlasting newspapers:

Orders for the population
Ministry of Defence Newspaper ~9:00. Nov27. 737

Day 23.
The president's newspaper ~3:00. Nov27. 738


Whom the CEC hushes at?
John Cornwell

Alexandr the Great kindly agreed to answer our questions and open the curtain of secrecy. Alexander is the Minister of Justice, he presents the Law in Central Electoral Commission and provides information and juridical support:
— CEC is the name of initiatives group consisting of the President sasha237, marchkat and me. Our aim is to present the electoral process fairly, to fetch out those who break the rules and to react on these issues. Regardless of the parties' interests. The data are analyzed by an independent expert who has some experience of working in an RL electoral commission. CEC will keep detailed logs of the elections recording all the leaps in the numbers of votes and other abnormalities. Here you can find some more information. After the elections the suspected congressmen will have a chance to restore their good names; if they don't manage to — they will be blamed in public and the tickets concerning this situation will be sent to the admins.

It's too early to say what come out of this nice idea. Will the parties try to scoop the Commission to their sides? How will the admins, congressmen and the electorate react on this? The future will give us the answers, and for now we can only wish them good luck in this challenging and, I'm afraid, perpetual battle with the bots.

The preliminary results of the CEC's work by Dartooth, the creator of the graphs.

eKorean News.

In case you don't know: the Korean parliament is not quite Korean and not quite a parliament. Surprised? And now we come to the news themselves:
The eKorean parliament TO action by Shaolin and their sympathizers succeede😛 9 of 10 places have been occupied by our people and the last place belongs to an Iranian veteran that came out of the blue.
The main problem for our spies was to find 9 volunteers with Korean passports that will rule the parliament for one month. Why 9? Because they need 9 votes to impeach Drago.
The second problem was the party of Drago himself that delivered one congressman. The Drago's party member washed away his makeup and we suddenly found a soldier of Iranian origin under it. Neither the science, nor our editorial office doesn't know how did he hide under the makeup.
What is more, we found out where did the bot(net)s of our parties go. The Siberians went to Korea and vote for pro-Russian candidates there.
As a heritage the Congress of eKorea recieved these law projects:
- impeachment of Drago;
- transfer of money from the treasury by some local gang;
- trading embargo against eRussia
Withdrawal of money from the treasury failed. The embargo didn't mean anything to us: as Captian Obvious reports, the embargo is applied automatically during the war. And what about the impeachment... The up-to-date informations gathered right from the chimney of the Korean Congress says that there are 10 votes «for» and 2 «against».
And we found out that we need someone for the vacant position of the CEO of the World... emmm... i mean, the President of Korea.
PEACE training wars in Korea will continue — that's what we conquered it for.

Editor: - M--H, translator: ngineer.
Vacancies to be filled in the editorial staff:
- journalists (experience not required);
- IT person;
- maker-up;
- experts;
Contact skype: m....h3.

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