eRussian Daily Review - 736. Wednesday [EN]

Day 736, 22:02 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Today issue is about elections. But it’s not an agitation issue; on the contrary it’s an attempt to avoid agitation. And tomorrow we will take a compensatory leave.

What should we wait in the foreseeable future?

Our correspondent had this question in mind and interviewed leaders of five parties (four official leaders and an unofficial one)

What plans does your party have for a next month? What projects will you promote in eRussia Congress?

ФРП, Carmagnola:Our party has two main work directions:

1) Good manage of the country’s internal business.

2) Start of a new world war

We are not expecting new important and interesting projects in Congress, because tax reform is finished, there are still no wars, etc.

But we are expecting everything to change with a new World War.

Dark Empire, 4ept:Well, it’s difficult to say. Now all questions about drafts are discussed in Congress. An additional discussion in the Party usually is not needed, because there is no big split among congressmen.

CPSU, Tatarin3 (non-official leader):In economics we plan to reduce import taxes. Debase the coinage of rouble. Increase the subsidies on the country’s defence: Increase financing and number of army, increase of effectiveness of funds usage, decreasing weapon’s costs, building hospitals and defence systems, etc.

eRA Nova, Two-Four-Six-0-One:Our plans are: take five seats in the Congress; start the program of changing iron mines q2 to q3. Our projects are unreachable, because we are small in number. In ideal situation it would be good to turn the army’s supply on “pay-for-damage” system, as it was done in eRa squads.

The Cossacks, Migrant:Our plan is to get several seats in the Congress to have a possibility to make our interests and interests of our voters. We want eRussia to carry out a more aggressive foreign policy and to create a more warlike coalition than Peace. Also we want to make the society more militarized. We have everything: territories, resourses, money and we do not need someone else's belongings. But let’s call spade a spade – war is the power of this game.

Today many parties create their own armies. What is opinion of your party? Will be such a thing in your party too?

ФРП:The army is wonderful place for players of middle activity – not two-clickers, but also not the very active ones. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult for soldiers from squads to be apolitical. Also, squads are usually created be the most active players, who are usually party activists. This is the reason why there are number of different squads instead of the whole, fine National Army. So, until it would be possible to change the army in the whole, we will support such initiatives. But FRS is not just a party squad and it doesn’t have any priorities of admission. You just need a desire to take an active part.

Dark Empire:HabraReaction was a beginning of it. Firstly it was a party army (Imperial), and for today it has been served for the government without any party favors. FRP and eRA wanted to keep pace with us, so they created their own armies. I think that it influences in a good way.

CPSU: We are the authors of the ideaOf course. Komsomol squads are being created (it’s like DOSAAF, but much better). We wait for enough number of field marshals to make RKRA purely communistic.

eRA Nova: Well, this is what I was striving for. The idea was given by Tatarin and popularized by me. The competition between parties and their armies will allow to reduce army’s costs and develop structure of the army. And it will bring fun for two-clickers also.

The Cossacks:The Cossacks threat this idea positively. We are for developed society, and party armies are part of citizens’ activity. But on the other hand such armies shouldn’t take an unreasonable big part in national defense. The backbone of out country should be a usual apolitical army.

What do you think about PEACE collapse and the talks about a new alliance?

ФРП:PEACE collapse is an inevitable process, connected with achieving aims of the Alliance and disappearing of uniting feature of the Alliance. This feature can not be a sign of unity for new aims anymore. In a new Alliance eRussia will be of much more importance and, I’m sure, will achieve greater success.

Dark Empire: Trade bad for worse. We need not a new name but new strong leaders and aims.

CPSU:It was inevitable. I can’t say more in detail, because international politics also is coordinated on international level.

eRA Nova:Well, I wrote an article about it. Peace hasn’t disappeared. All MPP are here and continue to refresh. Without allies we can’t do much, so it’s a little too early to speak about a new alliance with eRussia at the heart of it.

The Cossacks:The goals of Peace are achieved, there no place to move on. PEACE collapse was inevitable. The negotiations are proceeding in the right way. Top five countries, the backbone of the alliance,

are appeared.

What do you think about the forthcoming war?

ФРП:e try to make the war more close and to make it big and epic. And it would be good to win 🙂

Dark Empire:In this game war is a ground for fun, so I treat it positively and hope that the headquarters will make a right decision.

CPSU: We don’t see any serious war or preparing for it. We see only accumulation of gold and tendency to waste it with maximum fun. There are no big and important goals as, for example, was proposed by me here. Returning and holding of Alaska is a very serious task. But a lot of players don’t want to think about war seriously and wait for changes in war module.

ERA Nova:It’s OK. Let it be. I don’t know details – even congressmen don’t know them. I just hope that all this secrecy doesn’t mean confusion and fail in the future.

The Cossacks:I don’t know smart plans of the government. Do you know? I doesn’t, so I can’t give my estimation.

There are two important questions that keep being discussed in press recently. One of them are "baby-killing machines". How do you recommend to fight them?

FRP: The "baby-killing machine" problem is very far-fetched and hysterical. Support Service sends letters with explanations to every player who got there, and everyone able to read can resign and get government help in form of wellness or advice. Even those who by any means would not get the letter, get a link to Support Service and Support Service newspaper in the greeting message, where this problem is chewed over too.
Considering fighting "killing machines", you cannot persuade owners to close vacancies (we tried to), it's impossible and pointless to outstrip them in salaries. It's pointless to open such things in other countries- they have insignificant rate of newcomers, and in general, we shouldn't become the same as swines of the swines. Admins persistently ignore requests to do something considering this issue. Numbus offered to prohibit q3 and higher companies to make vacancies for zero skill, this would've helped, but silence was the answer.

Dark Empire: Without changes from the side of administration it's impossible to completely avoid the problem. And, well, speaking of making the situation better I would advise... I would recommend the population of eRussia to be more rational choosing employers and employees.

CPSU: I do not know, whom is the question for. I gave the answer to it 3 months ago: it's enough to decrease ruble exchange rate to a two times lower and the problem will solve itself.

eRA Nova: Nothing. To write letters to the newbies in the "killing machines". If they do not answer- it means, you don't have to save them. Because even having been saved from there they'd stay unsociable. And if you don't socialize, the game is dreadfully boring. Also sometimes killing machines get bots, that just boldly take the first vacancy in the job market. These are saved from the killing machines by their master.

The Cossacks: It's all clear now, here is the set of steps: government companies with salaries outstripping killing machines, greeting at registration, an article from Support Service in the top. As well, spamming newcomers that are already hired in the killing machines. If a personal letter does not help, the diagnosis is that there's no point in fighting anymore.

And the second question: the army of robots is on the doorstep. Will you call for honest election other parties, and will you try to heel you bot-masters?

FRP: We have always called for fair elections. The FRP Union (in which not a single well-known bot-master is occupied) never encouraged bot-masters or required to use bots pursuing political interests. I think adding anything else is pointless, as everybody would stick to their own opinion.

Dark Empire: We had been calling, are calling and will be calling 🙂. I would've heeled bot-masters if I knew whom to address. Well-known people from out party able to do that have not been using their potential for a few months already.

CPSU: This is much like the "How often do you beat your wife?" type of question. First question: no, because you cannot stop a bot-master by calling. Second one: yes, if we find any.

eRA Nova: Moredan will be the one who calls for fair election. And will never get anywhere with this. There are no bot-masters in our party. The majority of them is in FRP. They unwillingly, but sometimes still use their bots. During these elections bot-masters might be made to use bots to keep my party out of Congress. All we can do is make a fuss around it, so bot-masters will not use bots being too frightened that they remain in this game all alone.

The Cossacks: «A Cossack bot-master an oxymoron 🙂. Sounds nearly as absurd as "There are no bots in FRP". We have appeared with several articles on this issue already, we also tried to contact the heads of other parties. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make a united "people against bots" front. It's pointless to blame anybody. It's just sad, that we are alone under the motto. The Cossacks is a party of living people.

Your wished for eRussian Daily Review readers:

ФРП: eRussia now lacks a real enemy that would unite the country and make people work for the enemies defeat. Last month Moredan got the title of the "Enemy" and was relatively useful. This month FRP was granted the honorable title. As you understand, this all does not benefit our eMotherland. Ptitzin's DDM is working. Boredom makes the country wrangle furiously within itself, and as a result we have twoclickers, politicians, journalists and bots. Everyone, who could have been useful fighting real enemies. I would like to wish readers wisdom not to approve and of course not to blame those who rock our mutual boat, but to work thos oars.

Dark Empire: I like reading these guys 🙂. I speak in favor of them 🙂.

CPSU: I would wish bad weather next week, so that more time would be spent in eRepublik 🙂.

ERA Nova: Socialize more. Be active. Write articles about what goes on around you, or what you think is going on. It something is not clear, ask those who knows or might know and write about the results of investigation. Practice shows, that even the most banal things presented from a different view are never harmful.

The Cossacks: As a reader of your newspaper I would like to wish you to remain the interesting newspaper you are now.

After getting to know parties' plans for the following months we can make some conclusions. For example, we know, that some parties have a precise program, and some write about a "tricky plan". Opinions regarding foreign policy look as much alike, as DDM and Epic Fun. Sometimes you might even get suspicious, that not everybody watches the events in the world (or some aren't allowed in the MoD chat, like Sasha). As for bot nets, i want to tell you a story:
1: It's not me, it's them!
2: It's not me, it's them!
3: It's not me, it's them!
4: Nobody Cares
They: What do we have to do with this?

In conclusion I would like to wish you executing your civil duty honestly and voting for the candidate that might not be your party member, but a decent player. Once more thanks to Carmagnola, 4ert, Ptitzin, Tatarin3 and Migrant for answering the questions and spending their time (which is more valuable that gold right before elections).

Editor: - M--H, proofreader: TPAKTOP.
Vacancies to be filled in the editorial staff:
- journalists (experience not required);
- IT person;
- maker-up;
- experts;
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