eRussian Daily Review - 735. Tuesday

Day 735, 10:46 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

All the times in the article are eRepublik times.

The final report on the work of Congress in october 2009
How I spent my summer
Today the monthly parents' evening in the Congress is held. The semester marks are publicly announced, the truants are punished and the straight-A Congressmen are praised, the academic progress graphs are given away. The teachers council reports on the work done and tells the parents about implementation of the innovative SMS-technologies in the school. Unfortunately, the pupils' self-governance system failed as the majority of pupils just didn't give a damn. And, of course the traditional tea-party in the end.

Captcha to all the modules!
Freeze! Who's there?
The androids have infested the world and look more and more similar to humans. Sometimes even they're even closer to humans than some people. The Saint Zion Church and its leader adept Smith spoke to the people calling them to annihilate all the unholy two-legged mechanisms and their manufactorer — cyber-corporation «BotNet inc.» To protect the parishioners from the androids' negative influence, small pieces of the Holy Scripture are given out. Also, not so long ago the old manuscripts of monk Rchik were decrypted. It turned out they forebode rapid DDMgeddon

PVP ILI ZASSAL??! or preparing for information war
The VOTAD wars.
Famous political strategist fortehjustice suggests a new way to crush the spirits of our enemies — carpet votad-bombing. As a result of such an attack the population is thoroughly disorientated and starts fighting random people and even self-destructs. Our automatic factories are already producing enough votads to flood the Americans with them up to their knees. And production capacity are even growing thanks to implementation of new industrial robots VOTAD-2009. The critics are asking us a fair question: what if the Americans will throw them back? Explanations for the sceptics and the guide to the right votad throwing technique is inside.

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