eRussian Daily Review - 734. Monday

Day 734, 06:53 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Time - eRepublik.

My election program
Don't go there, kids! *a line for the kid's poem (translator's comment) ~4:00. Nov22. 733
KKVaka has started from the simple truth: the congress needs people with experience, will to work and free time. How many people do we have like these? And who of them wants to be elected to the congress?

Business guide for beginners. Part I
— Abracadabra! ~5:00. Nov22. 733
Marx is sadly smoking the third pack of cigarettes, tearing out the pages from "The Capital" and throwing them into the fireplace. Tolstoi is scaling his complete works with a ruler and rubbing his tears away with his beard. Why? Because Fillosof has published the most complete business guide for beginners! In this bestseller from our Minister of Education you can find everything you'll need - from the inscription on the boss's mug and length of secretary's legs to the dumping politics. If you still don't know where to use your 5 Golds, read this article.

About the MPP system, the Cunning Plan and deaf pigs.
The allied non-PEACE countries and strategic planning ~5:00. Nov22. 733
Ptitzin closely reflects on the fact that PEACE hasn't fallen apart but just changed the inconvenient name, on the substance of the so-called "Cunning Plan" and on the politics on the threshold of the elections.

You don't like commies? Welcome aboard!
We wanted the best, you know the rest. ~6:00. Nov22. 733
The communists hold the all-party courses on the critical remarks perception improvement. In this connection all the persons interested are given a spade and the most well-aimed will receive a good prize. [By the way the prize also includes a gun with one cartridge. What are they hinting at?] At first the people were afraid of the probable dirty trick but the test throwings showed that the commies had been really ready to drown in shit. And soon there was a kilometer-long line of those willing to get a spade, the commies even had to place a three-spades-in-one-pair-of-hands limitation. But the commies very not born yesterday and they are taking refuge behind the icons of Saint Gagarin and a curly buzzard in the helmet hoping that people won't infringe on holy things. But it doesn't help much. You can see the live report from the shooting-ground just now.

The interparty shoot-outs ~6:00. Nov22. 733
A political pamphlet in pure form.

A citizen of eRomania has offered some ammendments for the Constitution
eRomanians recall the laws ~10:00. Nov22. 733
The translation of the article about the work over Constitution perfection in eRomania.

So, what was that? Enjoy some muffins. ~15:00. Nov22. 733
Just now we received a short commentary from the president about the confusion at the headquarters and about contradictory paragraphs at the local level. As it turned out, the control board fell under the threat. The culprit is burglar-recidivist Drago. As a result of it, our rockets have turned half of China into desert. Our president already has tendered apologies. China received the apologies and began to restore the population. It will be restored to the morning. At the same time, as it should be in any Cunning Plan, we achieve a loy of other aims – the whole list is inside.

Smart Plan in simple phrase!
PROFIT! ~15:00. Nov22. 733
On the grounds of last eRussia government’s actions in the military field, people of eRussia have other two theories (beside the official one), which explain the events:
The first one is that the president fell asleep at the control board. The second one is that his pet monkey got out of the cage. Maestro Vitalijstr reveals secrets and explains stratagems of the Cunning Plan.

To be or not to be, that is the question.
Get up, the giant country! ~21:00. Nov22. 733
Our most charming tank got up on the platform and read a lecture to all thoughtless two clickers about their endless discontent and grumbling. The government does its best to feed the homeless and to shelter hungry people, but this is not enough for them. Those, who will survive the lecture, will be interrogated in commentaries. So, what do people need except panem et circenses? Chebbba knows the answer. Also there are the search for the truth and acute problems in the program.

Permanent editions:
~16:00. Nov22. 733
Orders for Home-Guard – MoD’s newspaper.

From chronicler. TPAKTOP

1. About “venal press”. For all the time I have worked here, the chronology’s list has never been censoring. I has never been told to change something or to write/not to write about something. I had only general recommendations about format of the work. I never heard even indirect hints for me or for the others. So I can put it promptly: there is no pressure is being put on the newspaper. Further yells about it I will treat as insults and will answer on it by swearing.

2. About choosing the material. I do not care about the source of the article – the government, the famous, newbies. If an article is substantial, interesting and is about the game, it will be in the Chronology. The counter of votes or amount of subscribes are not important. I do not have any political favorites and I’m not a party member. My taste is my only guide. I can build my selection formula, if somebody is interested.
3. About factual value. It’s very difficult – to put in 4-5 lines both the message and some fun for the reader. We have to observe the balance between fun and information. Of course, there will always be displeased readers, no matter what proportion will be selected. It doesn’t mean that the balance will stay unchanged. I watch a reader’s reaction and remember your comments. So - comment, please.

Editor - M--H, proof-reader - TPAKTOP, translators: Mahorka, Lady_Winter

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