eRussian Daily Review - 728. Tuesday [EN]

Day 728, 20:49 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Time set- eRepublik.

Israel as it is.
Cut oncе/ ~22:00. Nov15. 726

Highly conspiratorial Oberluftwaffel of intelligence service report about latest news from the Middle East. The President’s cabinet is occupied by terrorist- suicide bomber JMatH. Currently the place is being taken by storm, but the shaheed still successfully holds his position. Also he is pressing every button he can reach in the cabinet. The terrorist presents an ultimatum for all citizens of the country. They must watch 50 series of Spongebob Squarepants, or the terrorist will destroy a region daily. People of Israel tear out their peyes in despair.

CuP: Cultural Progress Award № 8
For the mother-culture, mothafucka! ~3:00. Nov16. 727

A live broadcast of an award ceremony – one of the most prestigious awards of culture and education. The award is a gold samovar, decorated with designs. This year, the owner of the award is, as it was expected, FOR_MOTHER_RUSSIA. He has made a lot of bricks for the country. Right after the award ceremony, there will be a press-conference, where the winner will tell a little about himself.

Ministry of Education: Announcements.
We'll make our own department! ~4:00. Nov16. 727

Ministry of Education has an urgent need in qualified employees. Requirements: no less than a month in the game, knowledge of basics, ability to shuffle fast and precise and do not swindle. Casting is held up, the first selection is in progress. Also there are vacancies for barmen, croupier, and stripper-dancers. Who is interested – click the link.

Abortion factories

Auschwitz 2: Rise of the machines
~7:00. Nov16. 727

Dozens of semi-automatic crematoriums prowl around our country. They use bio-fuel (meat). Our enemies snigger and rub their tiny hands with pleasure. Patriots defend our newborns with all might, they put logs on rails and shoot from shelters, but the situation remains unchanged.

How many innocent children will be grinded into sausage meat? Why the government doesn’t take actions? All about struggle with the moving gas chambers is in article of an independent columnist Grikon.

you have reached experience level 23 !
There's still some heroes in this country. ~12:00. Nov16. 727

Today the field tests of the newest Russian tank “Abrams-K23” (Parter X300 by NATO’s classification) were finished in testing area at Birobidjan. Last science achievements allow engineers to attain unique battle characteristics. Firepower of the board is 9,2 kilotons (in TNT equivalent). The engineers promise to improve it even more in the future. Other tactical and technical characteristics and an interview with the designers inside.

Political career.
I would like to be a pilot! (comm.: It’s first line of a famous Russian verse) ~17:00. Nov16. 727

Some Arschmann’s notes about how to resist DDM (Doom Day Machine) on first levels and what a young noob should do. Pluses and minuses of different careers are analyzed. Parter's way is especially singled out as a unique example for our country. The author’s conclusion: the most exciting sport in eRussia still is throwing shit while standing on a platform. Russian politics – dirty as ever.


Unsolicited disbandment of PEACE

As we all know, recently Italy and Indonesia left PEACE. Today, Hungary and Russia have joined this list.

Everyone knows about the reasons for the disbandment. The president of eRussia once more repeated them to our editorial crew. Sasha237:
- As an alliance PEACE started to collapse a month ago or even earlier. It became sluggish, it came to be torn by contradictions. Actually, it was very expectable. There were several attempts to reform the alliance, but they ended unsuccessfully. You can list the problems forever, as well as speak about them, but the main one was that the alliance ceased to fulfill the purposes it was meant for. Therefore, we, as well as other countries, decided to leave the alliance. I believe this will lead to its reduction in size and will increase its mobility and stability. It does not mean that we leave our allies to the mercy of fate. Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten.

What do we see? Key countries are leaving the alliance. There are not many surprised. No questions asked by the countries which remain in the alliance. I doubt whether we can speak about a conflict within the alliance, because the good relationship with our allies still lives on, at least officially. And the organized actions of the countries, as for eRDR, are a consequence of particular preliminary arrangements.
Sasha237 also confirmed that eRussia has not gone to nowhere. There is some actions taken in this direction from long ago, and apparently, not without its fruits. And as usual, the details are in secret.

The former Minister of Foregn Affairs kotekzot also adheres to the ideas of foreknown disbandment of the Alliance: "Italy could have acted independently, but countries like Indonesia and Hungary ought to know that you shouldn’t keep secrets from your friends". Don’t forget the Slavic Union too. According to his words, we may await for a new union based on Hungary, Indonesia, Russia and Serbia. In the last edition Sasha237 told eRDR about our enemies ceasing to be ones in future, or even becoming friends. kotekzot thinks that he might have been speaking of Slavic countries in EDEN.

The overall look is quite realistic. You can remember why Serbia refused the idea of the Slavic union with Russia and Ukraine: such layout appealed to them, but looked quite weak in a military sense. The company of Indonesia and Hungarians looks much stronger in this perspective.

There is an opinion considering Ukraine that present president is proRomanian and we should forget about getting Ukraine into the Slavic Union. However, kotekzot is quite optimistic about it: “as far a s I know, we led very productive negotiations with Mahno ( the president of Ukraine- Editor). If nothing changed during the last week, Ukraine is not lost for us at all".

You can probably get easily confused in the situation occurring around eRussia: who’s our friend, and who’s our enemy? Alas, our president does not have the right to answer this question either. Sasha237:
- We need to fight someone, someone the same size, advisably. We have several candidates for this. I cannot say anything more particular for now.

Editor - M--H, proofreader - TPAKTOP. Translators: Mahorka, Kot kot
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