eRussian Daily Review - 724. Friday [EN]

Day 725, 04:03 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

All time stated - eRepublik.

Party eRA
eRA Nova super cool, everyone can join the pool! ~3:00. Nov10. 722
Experienced PR specialist, GuestNag, proposed a bold rebranding of the eRA Nova Party - glamorous logo with a creature of indeterminate sex in a leather cap. Also, there's a competition with prizes for the best slogan - signature to the logo. Hurry up, the event still goes on! As per reports from our confidential informers, the prize will be presented to the winner by professor Ptittsberg in person, probably.

FRP message to citizens
I am a Warchief! ~3:00. Nov10. 722
Official memorandum from the largest and most ruling Party in the country. Provocation exposed to public, explanations to population are given, but the population exposes their feelings too. Fat green trolls attack little fluffy goodies, motorized spades, industrial fans and rotten eggs - all taken to the battle. Plunge into the big politics! Feel the smell of power!

Empire is waiting for YOU
Black Master looks at you as if you were... ~3:00. Nov10. 722
Great Dark Empire reborn, The Lord is full of strength but his zombies are rusty and badly run, thus, the party needs fresh blood. Properties are large, number of sinners is great, so Hell needs additional working hands. Come into the domain of fear and nightmares and feel the forces of the dark side! Pitchfork, horns and tail -to everyone who signed the contract. Training courses for Satan laughing techniques are available.

About Malaysia, Indonesia and other war games. Also about -2 gold.
Russians abroad! ~3:00. Nov10. 722
Everybody had a nice vacation at Zarnica (a war game), it was a lot of fun. Korea is completely trampled into the grass. Now it’s time to manage with routine and then decide where to go on this weekend. There are less and less places for level-raising. In the pilot issue of Marauder's report: a review of prospects for tourism here and abroad.

Твой выбор - eRA Nova
Yankee, go home! ~3:00. Nov10. 722
A highly conspiratorial intelligencer in eRA party reveal a scandal information: the party is financed by an unknown enemy’s funds! People are shocked. Thre is a secret sign in the appeal, look attentively. узнаете ? Do you recognize him? The party’s leaders keep silence, internal investigation has begun.

День 6 и день 7. Day 6 and day 7 RU/EN
The seventh day of Creation. ~3:00. Nov10. 722
We’ll tell you where we have been, who we have met, what we have spoken about, what we had for our dinner and about much more. All this you can find in the most comfortable and pretty little diary of the most equal citizen of eRussia. A ray of joy for everybody, who read me! XOXO!

New War Module (Ru/En)
Huge Battle Robots! ~3:00. Nov10. 722

Special design office of defense informs us that a new development of our industry is produced in industrial scale now. It’s battle septi-dactyle clowns with a code name “ NumbuS”. There are five different modifications for different battle’s conditions, high mobility and modernized weapon. Exclusive photos of this masterpiece of engineering at the laboratory and the testing area are included.

Становись казаком! / Join the Cossacks!
For Turkish sultan, personal and private ~3:00. Nov10. 722
A fast horse, nice comrades and sharp saber – these are all that a good Cossack need (and some money will be good, too – editor’s note). Have you dreamed to wear curly hats and red boots since your childhood? Can you ride a horse and hew with a saber all day long? Can you dance gopak? If you can, we congratulate you – you are a born Cossack! You can join Cossack’s stanitsa here.

Other news

Epic bricks for an epic battle

Last night there was one of the most huge war operations recently. PIECE, with Russia’s help, was victorious almost in all directions. But there is the other side of last night’s events. In short, there was a conflict between a new Minister of Defence R0cker и kapushon , who is the leader of the squad of the same name. Our editorship find out that Vitalijstr misused some information from the headquarters’ conference (it’s opinion of R0cker and kapushon). But their agreement in this question did not lead to making-up.

- I don’t take lightly that a person from army headquarters spreads information. The information then published in newspapers and is used for trolling MoD. This person will never be in the headquarters again. I’m not against criticism, any criticism. I’m against spreading information from the headquarters not by authorized person and in modified form. The headquarters is a place for work, where all officers can express their emotions without being exposed to public. Especially when the “exposition” is made to blacken MoD reputation and reputations of the officers.

- I agree with MoD opinion. He said that if it repeats, I will be dismissed from the headquarters. So? I just left on my own.

There was a question “How will it influence the structure of the army?” Kapushon answere😛
“My second-in-command ( and the leader in the future) still in the headquarters. So, my leave didn’t make any harm. And still, I can discuss problems outside this conference with any of the headquarters’ officers.

-Our new MoD is quite a fiery lad, we need people like him. Kapushon’s squad, in spite of all my respect for them, turned into a squad of battle trolls. But I never heard anything like negative comments are prohibited. I will investigate the problem.

The editorship supposes that such conflicts for no reason can be avoided by means of more openness for press. For example, a press attaché can regularly give whole and appropriate information from the headquarters. If there are some people, who want to troll Mod, the press attaché will make it more difficult for them.

State affairs. An interview with the President.

It’s been a week since the beginning of sasha237 's governing. eRDR has decided to make a “checkup” and talk to the President about some ongoing government affairs.

eRDR:- First of all, the government. Are you satisfied?
sasha237:- No. I am always dissatisfied 🙂. It is harder that it appears from the first sight. Not just that it is time consuming. Your every step and word is followed by thousands, or even tens of thousands pairs of eyes all around the world. That is really tiring 🙂. But, as a matter of fact, the government works in a very well-cooperated and organized way. Although it could have been better, everyone is a lazy bone 🙂. That is something I do not approve of. But we did not have an opportunity to make some essential goofs yet, so the country can sleep tight.

eRDR:-The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been replaced. Is it true?
sasha237:- Yes. James Noring has resigned and left the game. There are several reasons: Noring has long been willing to cease playing; I “helped” a bit (there was an incident, where I exposed myself from a not-that-good perspective in relation to him, though that was just a coincidence. He accepted that, but still decided to leave); that, and the overall situation in government and in the world. The new Minister of Foreign Affairs is Boris A . He has already been working in the ministry and will have replaced Noring next week.

eRDR:- Are new changes awaiting the government? Are there any problems with human recourses?
sasha237:- There is just one problem with human resources- there is not enough of them. But DOSSAF is working now as a factory of new ones, so it should get better in the long run.

eRDR:- How do you get along with the Congress? Is there mutual understanding or not?
sasha237:- I would say there are no problems at all.

eRDR:- As we all know, Italy and Indonesia have left PEACE. France is the next in line. What are we going to do in this situation? Almost all of eRussia’s population wants to see a new union.
sasha237:- We would have been torn to pieces right on the spot two weeks ago for saying something like this by both our allies and our population. And now everyone wants it. I will not share the details, but we are working hard in this sphere right now.

eRDR:- Nevertheless. Are we leaving PEACE as well? Are we reforming PEACE? Are we building something within PEACE?
sasha237:- We will be trying to reform PEACE, and to take appropriate place and position in it. I am not speaking about domination over other members of the alliance. It would have been inappropriate in relation to them. But Russia is not willing to play the role of a baseball bat for its allies. I like partnerships. And, well, if our country could be a cohesive force on which all the alliance would be based on (either the new or the old one), it would’ve been great.

eRDR:- Who would eRussia be willing to see in that alliance?
sasha237:- Our neighbors and friends. I do not want to answer this question yet, since the structure may turn out to be very unexpected.

eRDR:- Romania?
sasha237:- Maybe even USA. Who knows? We’ll see.

eRDR:- And may even Hungary be not among the friends in the possible future configuration of the alliance?
sasha237:- Well, taking into consideration several programs for cultural exchange filed; and that we constantly keep in touch with each other, I would say it is entirely not true. Actually, the alliance might include countries that have been enemies before.

eRDR:- Could you briefly tell us what, except the upper mentioned, has been done by you, the government, and by the Congress during this past week?
sasha237:- 1. 1. We have carried out an astounding number of negotiations, but I can’t tell you the countries so far.
2. We did shake up PEACE and finally made them listen to us.
3. We are preparing a team of lawyers with the Minister of Justice as the head.
4. We carried out our first exam for GTO program (Ready for Labor and Defense)
5. People started graduating DOSAAF
6. We have formed the Department of Culture, which will later is to become the Ministry of Culture, if it hasn't yet.
7. We started publishing new series of guides and manuals
8. We have started a program moving residents of other countries to Russia; it doesn't really go as well as we anticipated, but it is working, nevertheless.
9. We found Drugoi (one of the most popular LJ users) If it goes as well as with Fritz Morgen, it would be great. Only Tioma Lebedev remains. But we have his wife's contacts 🙂
10. We just work. That's basically it. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you much, because some things still are being kept a secret.

eRDR:- Well, the editorial staff of eRDR wishes turning all the secrets into results by the end of your presidency!

Editor - M--H, proofreader - TPAKTOP.
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