eRussian Daily Review - 723. Thursday [EN]

Day 723, 10:49 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

All time stated - eRepublik.

DOSAAF: Rewards and analysis
Who marches there? ~3:00. Nov11. 722
Suvorov Guardians Military School named after MjDao announces the successful graduation of the cadets. For almost a century, the school has been the generation center for elite officers of the country. Learning sessions include a port etiquette, mop fencing, dancing with chairs and singing to the balcony. To celebrate graduation, there will be a gala ball. All interested persons are invited; for ladies with "proofs", admission is free.

[Guides] Issue №4: Economics and Business - Part 1
Der Kapital. ~5:00. Nov11. 722
The fundamental work of economics classic on money and the laws of their movement. In particular, the author claims to invent innovative and very effective ways of earning money, different from the traditional looting and bribery. A complete practical guide to the special money magic including manufacturing of anti-crisis mascots from securities, spells to raise the exchange rate of ruble and fortune-telling based on the stock quotes, by Borison VII.

Enemy detected!
Young Workers ~7:00. Nov11. 722
To celebrate the anniversary of the World War II, Finnish veterans-saboteurs staged a theatrical performance for the youngsters, the "Auschwitz-light", but got a bit ahead with historical realism. As it turned out later, performance employed real prototypes of industrial gaswagen. Now psychologists and Support_Service' helpdesk provide all necessary support to victims. Mobile rehabilitation centers were rapidly deployed by reputable citizens Smirnov Georgy and FOR_MOTHER_RUSSIA.

New era - eRA Nova
And the star shines in his forehead. ~11:00. Nov11. 722
New stylish accessory, a bold challenge from a talented fashion designer, known for his avant-garde solutions. He was the author of the revolution in fashion - the red box and black circle conquered the catwalks of the Capital. Highlight your individuality and stand out from the crowd with a new elegant accessory, the samples inside. For particularly sophisticated connoisseurs we propose limited edition of shimmering and flashing patterns. Nova, and you can not be missed.

Korea attacks Russia!
They must have thought they are strong... ~12:00. Nov11. 722
Far far away, on the shores of the Yellow Sea, there lived a small but very proud people - Koreans. They lived happily ever after, sowing rice, sewing tracksuits and playing the national game - Lee-Nee-Gee. But, one day the formidable warriors from Shaolin came from the north with their martial balalaikas, and conquered the whole Korea. Thus began the great game that continues to this day. The latest news from the heart of the battle - by independent observer Dmissele.

Prerequisites for creating a new party and its preliminary program.
Cunning Plan (с) ~13:00. Nov11. 722
Nobel Laureate in palmistry, an honorary member of Russia's society of sour cabbage soup lovers, Professor Ptits Y.N. published a short guide to novice Master in four volumes. What's the mistake creators made; how to conquer the world; ten mistakes of novice emperor - a modern political map of the world and how you can change it - in the new issue of OwlNews.

Other news

North Korea may disappear from political map of the world, again
John Cornwell

Two months ago, North Korea reappeared on the maps. From the very beginning, this poor country became the center of the most interesting events. RW which was started by Shaolin members was not supported by many eRussians, who later fought in Korea against them, but Shaolin has won this first battle. But this was only beginning. Americans did a successful seizure of power, and Afanasiy Drago became a president. Later, they obtained the almost total control of Congress. Do not ask what kind of miracle was there, but the Nov. 5 presidential race was won by our candidate - habrvalery35 . While the Parliament did not hurry to decide how to exploit the situation, Korean Congress made an attempt to impeach the president. President of Korea did not miss his opportunity in return, and he attacked the Far East of Russia (the cost of attack - 737 gold) activating our MPP .

For an explanation of the situation, we turned to the President - sasha237:
eRDR: The Government has decided to erase Korea from the map?
sasha237: I would say, Korea has decided to conquer Finland 😃(For a formal justification of habrvalery35 actions, there used a legend that Korea has decided to attack the Finns, passing through Russia). This would not happen if there was no impeachment of the current president of Korea. Now we will talk with Drago on a completely different grounds.
eRDR: You mean North Korea issue is not resolved yet?
sasha237: We do not want them to turn against us, so currently the answer is "yes - the issue is not resolved".
eRDR: Given that this is a TO-ers country, how can we be sure of their good intentions?
sasha237: No, we can't - so perhaps Korea will cease to exist.

Editor - M--H, Corrector - TPAKTOP. Translated by: vermicellion

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