eRomania Vs eIran or: Global Aspitrations, A Follow-Up

Day 460, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson
---Letter From The Editor---

No comment.

- Hari Micahelson


I would first direct you to this link.

If you're like me, and you're generally too unfocused to follow two articles at once, allow me to summarize:

eRomania has declared war on eIran. I wish I could say that this must be old news for you all, but aside from some link spamming I haven't seen a whipser of this in the national media. Tax arguments and spam articles are the keynote of the moment. More importantly, the eRomanian President makes the claim that this is "an ATLANTIS mission" and that it "is recieving international support from all our allies".

All? Including the eUS? Funny, I don't remember being told our military was going to support a direct military action against eIndonesia. I don't remember being told that we would be a part of a mission with the direct intention of blocking the expansion of eastern nations, as well as the liberation of eChinese regions and the possible establishment of eUS military outposts.

Allow me to direct you to a second official statement by eRomania's President: Here.

The major point I want you to notice here is that this is obviously not some simple bluff. The eRomanian President threatens the use of a political coup in order to defeat these nations.

"If you will, by the means of switching regions between countries, avoid fighting trough the Erepublik war module, we will have no alternative than to move the battlefield in the politics. We will break down every bit of joy you might have in the game."

That is not a joke. That is a serious threat to the well-being of these nations, and I have no doubt in my mind that they will see it as such.

Why am I forced to scrounge for information on things of this nature? Why did I only find out about it by a random spammed link in the comments section of a random article? Why have we not seen any response from the eUS government in light of these statements? I understand that there's another in a long series of heated tax debates underway, but I feel as if I am being forced to point out that we are not playing this game alone.


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