eRepublik Tools For Dummies

Day 1,249, 10:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

eRepublik is not a game to be played successfully by sheer instinct. You have to acquire knowledge about ‘climate’ changes around you, and in the entire eRepublik world. Market prices, Currencies, Material and Human Resources shifting all the times. To be a successful entrepreneur, politician or military leader, you need to have access to statistics and technology.

eRepublic tools can be in the form of softwares, spreadsheets or web sites linking to eRepublik API, created by players around the world that may make your life a lot easier. Here are some of the most popular tools used by every good players. Try them out and you’ll have a much better gaming experience.

Ok,… don’t just try it. By the power entrusted to me by eMalaysian Government as the Minister of Education, I propose these as Mandatory-Compulsory to be used by every eMalaysian as a national intellectual standard.

eRepublic Advanced

eRA is an greasemonkey script that modify some pages of eRepublik to make your life easier and much more interesting interface !

eRepublik Rising Advanced Tools. This script improves eRepublik all around by adding missing links, buttons, etc. or by removing things users don't like. One big part of the script is the Company Managing Tool. It is fully customizable and it is modular so every user can turn on/off parts of the script. It is constantly evolving and soon it will become the only script you need.

Features :

1. Calculates profit values on employees page.
2. Auto update of the script.
3. Switch currency button on monetary market page.
4. Ability to turn on/off parts of the script.
5. Show/Hide eRepublik adds
6. Customizable quick links bar.
7. Automatic search page redirect if there is only one result.
8. Displays what would player health be after day-change. (Suggested by Basowy)
9. Newspaper article writing tools.
10. Newspaper article translate. (Suggested by Pirates of UK)
11. Display of full values (With decimals) of currencies on side panel.
12. Re-size of text-boxes. (Suggested by asylume)
13. Improved time-stamp of article comments. (Suggested and made by asylume)
14. Mini inventory on side panel.
15. Improved battle page.
16. Influence/Hit display on Profile page.

(Click to enlarge)

Some of these features are very interesting, but to be able to use eRA, you need to have Firefox and the addon Greasemonkey.

If you don't use Firefox, you should install Firefox first. Then you need to install Greasemonkey. After installation (which requires restarting your browser), you are now ready to install userscripts.

For Firefox:
For Google Chrome: (no need to install Greasemonkey)

Erepublik Market

Everything about market. Very popular tool site.

eGov For You

The statistics and all required information the be observed by politicians and nation leaders.

(Click to enlarge)



Another very popular site for tools.
You can search for your citizen, watch damage by battle, by country and all sorts of stuffs.
Try this:
time machine: -> latest time machine -> ‘Malaysia’ and ‘National Army’->eTDM->view

The eIndian Footprint

(Click to enlarge)
mass mailer, battle influence calculator, Productivity, market prices etc…

CCCP Erepublik Tools Portal by Kumnaa

Some software to download. Said to be the most complete tool site with tools, database and calculators. But sad… I couldn’t find any.
You have to register to view and utilize the site. Sorry, I haven’t got time to ‘test drive’ those
downloadable softwares. But they are interesting such as ‘eUK Orders’: if we can apply this for our EMMU and eTDM personnels.


Excellent eWorld Map.

There are many other interesting sites and features you can find out there. Try to be adventurous.

Log Off,

Minister of Education,


Economy For Dummies
Military For Dummies
Politics For Dummies