eRepublik invite links

Day 588, 00:21 Published in USA Romania by leandros

Forum topic link in the first comment. I cannot insert it here.

Copy pasta below:

Lately, eRepublik seems to have a problem that may affect its future. The growth rate is down as far as I can see. The lack of massive new players affects all of us. It affects the community, as well as the staff.

Besides being the summer season (when traffic to community types of sites is down), I think that there is a solution that addresses this concern.

Erepublik did very well in my opinion giving an incentive of 5 gold for every new player invited, that reaches experience level 6. The problem with this invite feature is technical, it does not always work. The problem is that, many invite emails do not arrive, or arrive in the spam folder. Especially Yahoo emails are affected, though I heard of cases where Lycos users are also affected.

Why is this a problem? Very simple. People hesitate to recruit new players when they know they can get a reward of 5 gold for this. And new players won't come to the game if they do not get the email.

I think there is a solution for this, a solution that it is widely used in other communities. Personalized invite links. Every user should have a personal link that (s)he can use to invite people to the game.

Why is this so great? Because people would be able to insert this link in many places: forums they frequent, profiles at social sites like Facebook, Myspace etc, blogs, and basically all over the place.

I am sure that eRepublik would feel a massive boom if they implement this feature. People would work getting new players to the game, as their ecountry needs them, and eRepublik would grow a lot faster.

Now, I know there are 2 sides for every story. And I thought about the damages that a feature like this could cause. And the only one I could thought about is spam. There will always be some players who would not give a second thought about inserting their links to places they do not belong to (forums where they have no other activity etc). But eRepublik could take measures against these users by penalizing them.

And for everybody's safety, the personalized invite link should be kept secret, so that people cannot abuse other people's links.

Everybody would benefit out of this, and many well known communities are using links instead of undelivered invite emails. Please consider this suggestion, and I await your answer.

Also, users, if you agree please sign this.



Please vote and subscribe. I will come up with another interesting suggestion soon.