eRepublik infront of RL Highest German Court?

Day 781, 02:09 Published in Poland Germany by Atlanis

By the way: If you conquer our capital, we will ruin your economy TDO already had a little shot at it.

Poland and Admins, thank you for destroying the game</strong><strong>😉

Currently their is a Group of people working for a punishment of eRepublik administration for promoting racist and fascist views spread by community members (mainly ePoland). Currently they have just got around 12.354 Signatures for a complaint at the "Bundeverfassungsgericht". As far as I am informed, they are not related to eRepublik but by chance found the epolish Propagandamaterial in the Internet. As I do know some of these people in RL they would go infront of the European Court to get eRepublik punished for promoting racist and fascist views.

Some days ago they obtained information on all RL concerned "Volksverhetzung" puplished inside eRepublik, that was not removed. They hope to be ready to hand in a waterproof complaint by April and will work in the direction of a EU wide ban of eRepublik. Furthermore at may happen that the eRepublik administration will have to give out personal data of the users. Since I do think that the people posting the racist and fascist views will be put infront of court in RL because it is a crime.

Poland concern your actions, the number of racist propaganda from your community is still rising, stop trolling around. This is really serious! If you don´t stop now the consequences for most of you will be severe.

(The Author informs informs everyone, that he doesn´t support the group but happens to know a member of this left wing movement as a RL friend. He himself believes that the things ePoland blows into free WWW-Space are against International conventions, but he also believes that going to court is a bit going overboard)