Erepublik Economic Conclusion

Day 1,543, 21:23 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
Economic Conclusion
Here's my story here on erepublik. I used to believe that the bot
was a rumor a few months ago when I started playing and started investing and expanding my properties through further investment. I actually believed there was someone buying the products I had shipped to market here on erep. Unfortunately the sad truth reveals quite the contrary.

When said "bot" was removed I didn't believe it until I was forced to sell my food raw material from .34 usd down to .06.. I couldn't believe it.. If it had kept going lower food would have been more expensive than all my companies. I would have been forced to dismantle and loose 50% of all my investments. Now in all good sense no long-term investor is going to tolerate such whooping losses. So from now on I was able to see exactly how some issues are addressed here.. How regulation has totally failed us and keeps failing us in this game.

It is with a sad note that I have to admit that the economy of this game is nothing but thin air -nonexistant-. By this I don't mean the virtual aspect -but rather how it fails to sustain itself at all. Mainly how the game dynamics are really not working and that without the "assistance bot" there is no game to play here at all. Just self-subsistence in a harsh reality. Also, this game is too individualistic in an economic sense. No contracts or teams can be formed or investment firms, none of that. It's a do it yourself and pay your employees less policy. For many reason, not enough players buying and selling, not enough products, not enough varieties and so forth.. the game has gone downhill because it has failed to provide effective playful interactive changes.

So on the economic side I can define it with one word -depressing-. As far as inviting friends, all the friends I invited stopped playing completely. It seems the game tires them out over the long run. Such sadness.