eRepublik = *beep*in' Annoying

Day 1,303, 22:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Markham West

Okay, well I was just loggin' in to my eRepublik all important like when

Wtf. A 500 error and that crazy *beep*ing chicken greet me. Interestingly enough, hitting the "Go to homepage" button took me to the homepage, which is something the website should be doing for me. What a rude website eRepublik is.

Well, I go to write an article and

and I go to check my inbox and

and then I go to complain about the 500 error when

I even tried sleeping, but all my dreams ended up as

Is this *beep*in' site a *beep*in' 500 error party or something? I don't understand why I get so many 500 errors, so I go to write an article and add a clever picture/caption and this damn, incessantly moving box that informs me about missions involving bread and El Dorado or something (citation needed) is in my way, and the only way to remove it from my *beep*in' screen is, apparently, to rip off my hands, and spread the blood on my keyboard before spontaneously combusting. There's some parsley involved. It's true! I read it in a book.

Anyway, now that I'm done ranting about this Fran Drescher of a website, have you heard about the Irish? I mean, awmahgawsh, no wonder we're conquering the-