eRep Squares: Awesome Avatar Edition!

Day 845, 22:46 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Your citizen avatar is your face in eRep. It is how people see you, and often it effects how people treat you. Some people choose a character and stick with it, some people choose a border or theme from an organization they belong to. The US Army in particular has a border with additional icons that signify which branch.

And here I bring you NINE Citizens who had avatars I found visually alluring. Also a very short bio, description, or reasoning why I choose them.

Top Left :">Josh Linze
Absolutely adorable little fox. I approve, outstanding! Has the Army Logo, and what looks to be a Lt. Bar on the bottom right.

Top Middle : Luke Kitteh
My sister has a cat that looks very similar. CUTE, big eyes, white background. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

Top Right : Cyth
I too read Sheldon from which this is a character named Arthur. It is a very good webcomic and I heartily endorse it. For those who like that sort of thing. Sci-Fi and generic geek/literary humor. Also has ducks who like waffles.

Middle Left : Kara Beth
This avatar has a good feng shui about it. Who does not like guns? Or hips? Actually I think its all the neutral space that is not used that makes it nice. Minimalism is the new black

Center Square! : PigInZen
A cross between the Japanese Imperial flag, and a dude you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley but oddly enough is welcomed into your own house to do menial cleaning chores. (Sometimes I don't understand the American consumers). This avatar stands out to the eye. Accentuates the cartoon character in the middle.

Middle Right : Princess Lauren
Another Princess has been found! Notify the press! Oh? You say I AM the press? Well then I better mention it. This Disney sea borne princess does not have legs, but does display one heck of a phallic image she has thrust herself onto.

Bottom Left : Grafarian
Homemade stuffed animals have a special place in my heart. This Piece of Tofu is certainly receiving mixed messages. He remains cute tho. Why would anyone want to eat tofu eludes me.

Bottom Middle : Bia Pandora
The hair flairs out over the border in a nice way. And who does not like fiery red heads? Add a leather and bone corset for emphasis on how tough you are.

Bottom Right : Dylanb9216
I will admit, while looking through citizen's avatars to pick; I had the original Gremlins movie playing in the background. The old Beta Max still chugs along noisily. Here I remembered the movie as scary, but on re-watching it I was happily surprised in its goofy and playful nature.

Hope you enjoyed this edition. This is Sleeve trying to get his and your minds off all the turmoil of the day. Remember, if people are not talking about your avatar You're not doing it right.