eRep Shock Syndrome Now A Confirmed Epidemic

Day 1,613, 10:18 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The sky is falling...the sky is hit me in the head!

The last couple of weeks have been witness to one of the hardest market depressions I have seen in some time. WRM/FRM/Weapons prices are falling faster than a hookers panties at Rylde’s house.

What I am seeing is a mix of eRep Shock Syndrome where I am witnessing numerous players sitting in corners, arms wrapped around their knees, rocking back and forth while chanting, “The bot will save us...the bot will save us” (Thanks Connor Macleod for that reference)

Indeed...where is the Plato bot now?

What we have here is a classic case of an imbalance of supply and demand mixed with managers who are too scared to hold on and wait out the storm. Prices are being undercut routinely and profit margins are getting tighter than my underwear after a night on 4Chan. The fact is, we can not continue at this pace and expect to be able to continue to run our companies. With the return of the bot nowhere on the horizon, it is time to float some ideas and see where that takes us.

I have to think there is a way for the admins to resolve this problem with as little impact to the game as possible. The idea I would like to pitch is this:

I would like to see Snimda introduce a floor to market prices. This floor would be set at a minimum twice daily and would reflect the prevailing market averages. A Manager would not be able to post product for sale below the floor. If at the time of market reset, the floor increased, all products now below the floor would be bought up by the bot and the new floor would be set until the next reset.

This however would not solve the issue of too much supply and not enough demand. Those of you who remember V1, will recall that there was once a skill/health incentive to working. I am not advocating the return of the health modifier, but I am advocating the return of the skill modifier. Its a simple way to dial down production just enough to help obtain market equilibrium. It would also open up the door to further gold incentives for advancing in skill level.

Now...neither of these things is happening now and neither of them may ever happen. We can hope, we can discuss, and we can throw around ideas. From ideas we may be able to influence changes in the the future. What I do know however is this. Continuing on our current course is not working. Change is needed...the patient is sick and an intervention is required.

In the interim, maybe its time for Managers to become more accountable and responsible. Undercutting the lowest price is immature and hurts everyone...yourself included

Out of a job yet? Keep undercutting...

Now, I know the advocates for the free market system will have their knives sharpened and drawn for me. Before you go to cut out your pound of flesh however, let me ask you to pause, reflect, and come back with some other ideas. I am not an economic guru, but I know when something is broken and needs fixing. Maybe YOU have a solution I didn’t think of...lets hear it!