eRep in Maps Day 1,229

Day 1,229, 02:31 Published in USA USA by General Cornrow Wallace

Date: April 2nd, 2011
Time: 02:20 AM PST

So, that lull in battles lasted all of one day. We also got an update to the battle module, which you can read about here. Anyways, let's get down to business.

The last stand for Croatia. Beaten down to one final region by Serbia, they now fight for the very independence of their country. Serbia's kill-shot attempt is in South Dalmatia. Serbia leads the battle 1-0, which I'm sure will go the distance. Who will emerge victorious, I cannot say.

Also pictured above, is the continued invasion of Italy by the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia has launched an attack in the region of Abruzzo. Macedonia leads the battle 7-0.

Hungary and Romania continue their everlasting war, with Hungary attacking the region of Moldova. The battle also recently opened, with Hungary leading 1-0.

Another quadruple battle pic. Exciting!(unless it's not.)

The United Kingdom and Belgium are now at war. The UK launched the opening attack, initiating an assault on Flanders. Belgium is holding up quite well, thanks to their recent MPP's with Spain, Poland, and Hungary. The Belgians lead 6-1 currently.

Italy is now in the midst of a two-front war, and are not holding up well. Slovenia continues their invasion, attacking the region of Veneto. Italy is losing 7-0.

France sees itself once again facing invasion from Spain and Poland. Poland reacquired a border with France, and continued their invasion with an attack on Alsace. Poland leads the battle 1-0. Spain has attacked the region of Franche-comte, and that battle is tied at 0-0.

Spain was able to fend off a Brazilian attack on Castilla y Leon, stopping the Brazilian march through Spain. They have since launched an attack on the occupied region of Castilla La Mancha, where the battle is currently 0-0.

Bulgaria continues their march through Iran, attacking the region of Fars. Bulgaria leads the battle here 3-1. Iranian resistance fighters are also attempting to free the recently captured region of Sistan and Baluchistan. Bulgaria leads this battle 3-1 as well.

In Turkey, they face a liberation attempt by Greek freedom fighters in the region of Peloponnese. This battle just started, and tied up at 0-0.

Bulgaria, in an attempt to stop the Turkish invasion of Greece, has launched an attack on Marmara. Turkey is leading the battle here 5-0.

Indonesia continues their assault on Chinese territories, with an attack on Maharashtra. China leads the battle here 1-0.

Although the countries have agreed to peace, thanks to automatic battles after 24-hours, both North Korea and China have attacked. China has attacked Shikoku, where they lead 6-1. North Korea has attacked Chubu, where they lead 4-0.

Nothing newsworthy today.

TnA time.

Mostly Tig ol Bitties.