Erep football!

Day 746, 12:22 Published in Hungary Hungary by tibix98

I initiate a championship beside Heidar!
Turnings on all weeks Szombaton-Vasárnap 21:from 00!
The 1. Class:
You have 20 levels and on a Saturday and you are 21 above on Sunday:00-től you may come then!
He is decided with a hit!
Who will be nominated max. 2 battles in what you may strike and we look at it there it össz your hit!
10-19-es until a level pénteki-szombati with a matchday 21:00-től!
Here 2 battles and we look at it there it össz. strike!
I will be a judge I do not strike!
I write the results in my own newspaper here!
To present the mibbit #there may be foci in a room!
Chief justice:tibix98
Assistant judge:Jackneill
