EPIC Congress Voting Record

Day 1,227, 21:16 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

This month, 11 EPIC members were elected to congress, and this month, we’d like to start holding them accountable! All EPIC congress members have agreed to take part in a simple project where they are interviewed about how they voted on congressional issues. With any luck, this will add to congressional activity and accountability as well as create more interest in congressional affairs.

For this first issue we’ll be talking about the first few proposals that where introduced this congressional term as well as introducing the members of congress taking part. They were asked to provide a brief introduction on themselves, and then asked to explain their votes on the following laws:

The Swiss MPP
Taco Donation


I’ve played the game for just about a year now. I started running for congress 3 months ago and have been successful the past 2 months in New Brunswick. I started running because i saw and heard about all the inactivity in congress and wanted to do something to contribute to the country.

I voted Yes on the Swiss MPP proposal. The swiss president is Dr Pain a former canadian that left for Switzerland to help with their military. They are friends and do have some worthy fighters that could help us.

I also voted yes on the donation to TCO. It is their planned donation from the budget and i fully support military funding. I also feel and have advocated towards increasing the budget to what it was before the Wes Lewis thefts. A strong military is needed in this game and it also helps keep players active and playing the game.

The debates in congress right now haven't fully began. We are just getting a speaker elected and getting to know the new candidates. Things should pick up shortly.

Wojciech Woznicki
*Wozzy is a member of Polonia, however he’s been running under the EPIC banner for the past few months due to the fact that his political party isn’t in the top 5~

My name - Wojciech Woznicki, but as soon as I came to Canada and became a member of the TCO (which I'm not any more for numerous reasons) I got a nickname Wozzy and since then it kind of stuck. IRL I'm Polish and I'm 15 years old. My first eJob was being the Polish Ambassador to eCanada. I moved here in my 3rd week of eLife and and didn't want to leave ever since. I became more and more involved in Canadian politics, met I think all wise and influential politicians and diplomats of Canada and finally I decided to run for congress. The first time I run from DAL's list also in Saskatchewan but lost out by about 4 votes. Next month after various changes in DAL and the formation of Polonia, I decided to run from EPIC's list, since many of my friends were members of that party and this time I got into congress, the following month I decided to do the same and it seemed EPIC was a good choice, I became a congressman for Saskatchewan second time in a row.

MPP with Switzerland
I was actually one of the few that voted no. Personally I thought that although Switzerland might be a good friend of Canada, there is no point in wasting money on an Mutual Protection Pact that doesn't bring nearly any fire power to the battlefield.

Donation to TCO
I voted yes, TCO always was, and probably always will be an important part of Canada's defence. For that reason it is crucial that it receives at least some government funding.

Other comments.
Another elections, and new congressmen. I surely hope that this month will be productive and the fresh approach of the newly elected congressmen together with the experience of the older congress members will result in smart and wise decision being made which will bring greater economic growth and greater security to Canada.

I've been running for congress these past few months. My goal is to help congress with my expertise of Erepublik. I am a member of the Canadian Armed Forces and have been since BETA. I hold the rank of General and I am in the Tank Force division.

I chose to run with EPIC this month because of their long history of helpful players, as well as their outstanding standards that they hold for their members. I would not be the type of person to say "join EPIC" or "only vote EPIC" because everyone gets to make their choice.

I voted YES to the proposal with Switzerland. I voted because MPP's are important to a nations security.

I voted YES to the proposal to donate 5000 CAD to TCO. While I am an active member of the CAF I acknowledge the TCO as a benefit to Canada. Their administration has really helped their army grow and also gain new standards, as well as values.

"The Bank of Noobs" conversation seems radical and different. I'm interested in hearing more about it. My comment on this congress is we have a lot of eager congressmen this month so it will be exciting to see the new ideas and potential for Canada.

Well in the really real world I live in Toronto Ontario, which is one of the reasons I like to try and run in Ontario for congress. I won't detail my age, but I will say I am quite easily past my student days. At present me and my fiancé are preparing our wedding which will take place in the middle of May, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking more forward to the honeymoon in the Caribbean!

This is my tenth term in Congress so I can’t say I was curious to know what it would be like can I huh? I run for Congress because I know I am an honest, intelligent, active and capable person, which to me are the best qualities to have in a representative Government. On the other side though one of the reasons I run is because I am a very solo minded person and I don’t delegate well, hence why I have never really fully utilized any Deputies I have ever had under my various Ministries. I just like to do things myself.

I have been with EPIC since the very beginning, plus with the CSD for a long time before that. I have only ever been a member of EPIC and the CSD other than the odd time party jumping to help out in a PTO vote or two. I have enjoyed my time in EPIC because it is a very casual; friendly easy going party that does not tell me in any way how I should vote which leaves me completely free to vote how my conscience feels. The internet is best used to express ones opinions, so I have never understood how cowing to others opinions is the way to go.

To the matter of the Switzerland MPP vote, I voted in favor of it. As many are aware Dr.Pain is the current President of Switzerland and he was for quite some time a citizen of Canada. This strikes me as an excellent opportunity to strengthen our ties with a country that is in the center of Europe, as well as potentially increase our number of battles of which I will be glad to see as I have on many occasions found myself without a battle to fight in at the end of the night. The much cheaper cost also was a nice bonus.

On the matter of the donation to the TCO such is a very simple and normal matter of budgetary house keeping which I voted in favor of. In the many months prior to this money was shuffled to Canadian National Defense and then 5k, or whatever we were giving the TCO at the time was moved to Brucks Canucks as part of their weekly stipend. This month though we have been donating directly to them, I’m unfortunately not entirely sure why that change was made, but it does nothing save require one extra motion.

Your proposition for a “bank of noobs” does strike me as potentially interesting, though I honestly am unsure what the results will be. In the past I have always looked at the retention rate of this game being somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 4, but that is generous to say the least I imagine. The other side of that though is the actual functuality of it. I know that it took me something akin to 5 or 6 days before I figured out the whole PM/alert system in this game, let alone the articles area. These days in that time period most noobs will be well on their way to level 15. Assuming these hurdles can be overcome, I do really like the idea.

Couple of interesting things going on in Closed Door at the moment, but I am as you are well aware unable to talk about these things. To topic them though, the interesting ones are about VAT, and about “Guardians”.

Sure, I guess. Honestly I don't like politics, the only reason I ran for congress was to push for the VAT to go down. 20% is really ridiculous.

Yesterday Switzerland proposed a MPP with Canada. The proposal can be found here
Did you vote yes, no or abstain? Why?

I voted yes. Considering that there are currently very few countries we can sign MPPs with due to possible land swaps in the near future, we have to take the MPPs that we can get or else we'll spend even more time without battles.

Yesterday Congress proposed to donate 5000 CAD to TCO. The proposal can be found here
Did you vote yes, no or abstain? Why?

I voted yes. This is a scheduled transfer to TCO. And considering how overtaxed we are it's good to see some of the money going back to our citizens. In a non-thieving way.

Finally do you have any comments about debates occurring in congress at the moment?

I'd like to have more support regarding lowering the VAT but I'll still try my best to convince my fellow congressmen.

So, I decided to make my comeback to congress this month because I realize that I was doing nothing for months. I was bored and I want to get more involve in Canadian decision. The present and last few government disgust me from politics, so to make thing change I candidate myself to congress and so I got elect for the forth time. I candidate with EPIC because I'm in this party since May 2010 and because I'm an Independent in my mind. Please make change if you want I'm a Frenchman it may be bad for you.

For the Vote
Vote: Yes
I know that Switzerland is a small and weak country but is the Country of Dr.Pain, this is not a good MPP for us but for them and sometime we need to think about other person, not only us. And every MPP is profitable(sometimes)

TCO Donation
As a member of CAF, I didn't want to be involve with the TCO affairs. (Don't think I'm hating them hein...)
Punisher 1389

Well everybody knows who i am ;p I'm the congressman of Newfoundland and Labrador,EPIC party member,and also member of the CAF.I am always trying to be elected in NFLD,where i spent the most of my time.Also being an active member of our congress,taking part in debates,voting,trying to get our people heard - is the reason why i always run for congress,not just for this month.And why EPIC? cuz it's EPIC,and it's my first and only party in which i've ever been.EPIC 4ever 😉

About Switzerland MPP - i voted YES.They are not so powerful,but they are our EDEN ally,so i guess that we are helping them by signing this MPP.Also when i saw who proposed it,my mouse cursor was on 'yes' button immediately 😃

For donation - i voted YES too,cuz it was a part of the budget which was approved.
I don't have any comments about debates so far,and you have my permission to publish this.

~hyuu~ 🙂
Kronos Q

I ran for Congress so that I could directly participate in the discussions. I am a realist voice with experience in many aspects, so I believed that I could contribute where it was needed. I ran with EPIC because I enjoy EPIC's epic puns.

I voted yes on the Switzerland MPP, because we will need to lull them into a false sense of security if we are to take them over, the planning of which will start in Closed Door Congress soon. We do have good relations with Switzerland, as well as some connections, so this MPP helps to strengthen our relations, as well as show them in a concrete way. This will help to veil our true intentions.

I voted no on TCO's donation for teh lulz. TCO is a group that is built upon lulz, so I would find it funny if TCO were unable to receive their funding because Congress 'teh lulzed' them. Normally I would've voted yes, but I knew the proposal would still pass, either way I voted.
Michael Ryan

I am Michael Ryan, a long serving member of the CAF holding the rank of Major. I only first decided to get into politics a few months ago where I ran for congress in NWT under EPIC after MDP failed to run me. I was elected and began learning the ropes as a member of congress. I ran under EPIC a couple times more, although not heavily campaigning and did not get elected. I ran again this month with some campaigning and was able to get elected. I chose EPIC at first out of opportunity but now I see they are a great community and have some of the most active, progressive congress members in the game.

Swiss MPP Vote:
I held my vote for a while as there did not seem to be enough information but further developments made me vote "YES".

Congress Donation to TCO
I voted yes to this proposal as it was a scheduled money transfer listed in the forums.

I would like to see discussion this term about MPPs with our allies. Besides Switzerland we don’t seem to have MPPs with our major allies who are on the defensive right now and could really use our help.


And here I find myself interviewing myself! I'm Nosyt, own a bunch of companies, been politically active in eCanada for over a year now (This is my 12'th time in congress), and I like saying ~hyuu~. I ran for congress because I was interested in taking part in where our country is going; that and giving ~hyuu~ some kind of representation before the government. I'd also really like to see eCanada leave our bubble. (We're surrounded by allies and have nowhere's to fight a real war!)

I voted aye to the Swiss MPP partially because at the moment we could use as many MPP's as we can (without interfering with training wars and whatnot) but also in hopes that it would help improve relations between the two countries. In the end Switzerland voted down the MPP due to a lack of necessity anyways 😛

Of course I voted yes to the taco donation... I love taco's! (Seriously, I've always been in favor of supporting anything that helps generate activity; TCO does just that.)

I recently made a proposal for the government to provide loans to new players below the level of 15, who are unable to send donations or use the market place. My reason being was in hopes of preventing newer players form blowing all their precious gold on wellness pack when they can't afford to buy food. Since congress is very uncertain about the proposal, I will most likely be operating the program privately as a test run, then report back to congress in oder to determine whether or not this is worthy of government assistance.

I'd like to try politics by being a Congress member for the first time in my eLife. I hate politics in RL 🙁. Hopefully by the end of this term I can decide whether I like ePolitics or not 🙂 But it's going great so far 😃

I voted yes for this proposal. Firstly, Switzerland is an EDEN member and I am a supporter of EDEN alliance. This MPP could be used to strengthen our relation with them. Secondly, I'd like to keep war going everyday in eCanada so that our two-clickers will have a battle to fight in, without having to move elsewhere.

I voted yes for this proposal. TCO has been and always will be fighting for eCanada and her allies interests and for this I respect them. Just by looking at this strong point, I believe that they need to be funded by eCanadian Government.
Currently we're missing Phillip Delle Palme. Though he has agreed to participate, he's taking too long to respond and will be given a poke in the ear. When he's ready the article will be updated.

And, that's it for this issue. Next issue we'll be looking at the following 5 proposals.
UK Peace Proposal
No Natural Enemy Proposal
NBOC Donation
Weapons Tax Change Proposal
Speaker Election
