Enter the Doldrums

Day 992, 20:09 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

There is a reason I have not written a single article since the last CP elections. Many of you have noticed.

Japan is dead, boring, and inactive.

The only ad that has pertained to our country being shown to us has been one about a new party of pedo bears and a yellow sign desperately pleading for us all to vote Geno that hasn't gone down even after the election concluded.

The articles, including this one, are all melancholic and full of despair over where our fun and vibrant game, where anything was possible and creative solutions to straight foreword issues colored our imaginations creating a fun experience, went. Furthermore the unlikely chance that it shall ever return.

***Admins and eRepublik as a Whole***

The Admins have declared that the new military model is to be praised if turns were slightly faster and less gold was needed, failing to realize exactly how bias their questionnaire was by only defining these issue points in the questions themselves, speed of turn and cost. while providing non issues as mere other options. No comment was made of various points that may have been added as misc issues in the essay sections of the survey, and true problematic areas to the new "rising" game were mysteriously left out of the choices one could select from.

They have wrongfully analyzed the situation, bringing me very little hope that they will actually manage to make anything of this game for those of us who loved it so. Who knows, this may be a desperate attempt to totally replace current players with a new batch of more naive players who wont question their every choice, or hold them nearly as accountable as we currently do. Not to mention the full capability to exploit us for more money by creating add in uses for gold as the only means to do "better" in this game. This BTW completely ignores what was obvious dislike for a similar situation under the military module PRE Rising.

eRepublik is well on its way to becoming a useless money drop like so many other sites while losing the sense of community it once held. I almost feel sorry for the creators since they don't appear to notice. But then less so because I realize we are all shouting this and yet not one of them is listening.


Full of self proclaimed trolls and more inclusive and xenophobic people than any country in RL, eJapan has become a boys club that fears nothing more that talent coming in from anywhere but the current group of leadership. Do not let your eyes be fooled. The CP is not part of this group. They prefer to lead by fear and by what else? Trolling. They actively taint our communal areas with bickering, lewd commentary, and active trolling of those who are not a part of their "group".

They make the country a hostile environment for anyone other than themselves and are happy that everyone is leaving, not realizing that this is precisely the reason for so many issues in eJapan today, including the heavy lack of activity that they themselves admit is an issue. Yet they fail to realize that because of their exclusivity and their constant attacking of others, they alienate everyone else into not wanting to be active.

Then to further troll these people, they blame them for not being active while proclaiming themselves very active.

It is similar to hitting someone with their own fist and telling them to stop hitting themselves. While funny for them, it makes none of us want to be anywhere near them. Add this on top of the horrible upset with eRepublik as a whole and it is no wonder we all live in a ghost country that we don't even want to bother reviving.

***What next?***

The point of a game is to have fun. None of us have a responsibility to this game, we are not being paid and beyond time and energy we have not invested anything (I hope.... *looks at those who may have given money😉. It is like other free forms of entertainment. Once it stops being fun you leave it alone. Move on. Find something enjoyable, and enjoy that.

Doing something that upsets you or bores you, or basically wastes your time is exactly that. A waste of time. Furthermore I would check your sanity levels.

The only things here that are good and fun and worth saving anymore are the very things WE as players created. Our community, our friendships, or rivalries, and our sense of accomplishment together and as a group.

If we want to rescue those there are ways outside of this game I personally would rather look into. Because at the moment this game is no fun and that itself is putting a strain on and destroying the only good things that remain.

To my friends in the SOS brigade, we have fought long and hard together to bring our party to where it stands today. We sought activity, fun, and community. While doing so it seems that all of those have been stripped away from us by outside sources, and all that remains is the activity in our selves, our community of our history, and the fun times of our memories.

So I ask of you all: What is next?

Thank you, and welcome to the Doldrums.



eRepublik fails. eJapan fails. Thus we are bored. So what next?