eNorway Wages Survey

Day 549, 15:59 Published in Norway Norway by Maximilia

As some of you may or may not know, I have recently sent out surveys to all employed people of Norway. This is to give a "snapshot" of what the salaries of eNorweigans look like at this time, and to compare and contrast between the different professions and qualities of those professions. I, of course, need time to organize the numbers, and to wait for answers to the survey.

However, I can tell you a few things now.

As it stands, right now eNorway is running at 59.61% unemployed, with Svalbard & Jan Mayen leading the way at 67%. What this means to me is that at least 60% of eNorway is inactive. How I've come to this conclusion is pretty easy: while I may have caught some people inbetween jobs, the vast majority of the unemployed come from people below level 6. Most of them had health lower than 15. A few of these could be explained by vacations, time away from the computer, and newbies who just started and don't know how to take care of their health. Not only that, but many of the "employed" persons of Norway of lower levels (again, six or below), also had very low health.

In my estimate, I would say at least 75-80% of eNorway is inactive.

It's a depressing figure, but a realistic one. This leaves us wide open for another TO, at least until the citizenship mod is implemented.

Thank you.