England Gains ground as Mexico Declare war.

Day 1,125, 15:34 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

England Gains ground as Mexico Declare war.

England is starting to gain back its ground as around 18:00 day 1,124 England gains back Whales, only 3 hours later was a uprising starting to gain back NW England and then again 4 hours later in SW England. Then at 10:00 day 1,125 West Midlands was taken back by England. Also Whales was taken back yesterday. This is all probably due to the spread thin USA forces as the try to hold UK and attack Mexico. Mexico was attacked in an un-provoked war vs. Mexico. Yesterday Baja was captured by USA, the first win in the Mexican War. The not long after the USA’s first victory USA attacked NE. Mexico has declared war not long after these attacks. Though the cause to this war is un-known it is probably just a land grab for USA.
-insert hand grasping world here-

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Thanks for reading.
CHris Hartman
e-mail The50states@hotmail.com