Engels:A Farewell

Day 476, 11:02 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

I'm not in the habit of writing an article/day,there are two equally important reasons for this.First,I'm lazy; second,I only write when I have something (un)serious to say.Today is different.A lot of things are different today.One of the things that's been on my mind for a few hours now,is that a trusted friend will not be joining me for a laugh around eRep.Ever.

I am talking about Elizabeth Engels,who has been taken from our midst prematurely,under the authority of the fourth rule of eRepublik:
Properties obtained by a citizen through an illegal or unjust method will be impounded. Such types of actions may result in a permanent ban. Additionally, if these properties are sold or transferred before being impounded, entities involved in these transactions can receive a permanent ban.

I do not intend to argue on whether or not she is guilty of what she stands accused of,as I have no idea if she is guilty of the said crime.I'm merely paying my respect to a departed friend.

1.Who Was Elizabeth Engels?

She was the owner of Engels Enterprises,a seven company business(5 of them were active) that offered quite a few workplaces to decent hard-working eSouth-Africans.
As far as the military was concerned,she had reached the rank of Captain in a rush.And I mean that literally,she was running around the Romanian front like mad the other day,bashing away happily.
Politically,she was a member of the BLF,and what a member she was!Coming up with suggestions,plans,helping out the needy,a female Robin Hood if I do say so myself.So sometimes she was a bit sharp tongued,but then again,so were most of us.I won't hold that against her.
I would also like to consider myself a friend of hers.In that respect I must say that she was always more than willing to help me,or anyone else for that matter.Her sense of humor was a thing that often made my day a bit funnier,funkier too😃.

2.Was she guilty?

Honestly,I have no idea.Also I have no idea which unjust or illegal methods she used.
As far as I know,she was Pay-Pal's best pal.But who am I to weigh in on admin. decisions?The thing that saddens me though is that admins seem extremely ban-happy,but somewhat lazy with other responses.
Ain't judging them though,it can't be easy to keep the server up and running,making updates and checking thousands of reports daily.
I personally think that her banning was some kind of mistake.But I just don't know anymore...

3.Do I care if she was guilty?

No sir,I most definetly don't care.I'll always remember her as a fellow citizen and a comarade in arms rather than a cheater or bug-exploiter.

So Elizabeth,you will be missed-by many more than yours truly.
Hope you appealed the decision and who knows?Maybe we'll meet again.