Endorsing Greatness - An Official Endorsment.

Day 1,231, 18:04 Published in USA USA by General Cornrow Wallace

If you're looking for the sexy maps(or don't know what those are), mosey your way on over here.

Emerick is great. There is no denying this. It is not an opinion, it is scientific fact. Chuck Norris goes to Emerick seeking tips on how to be great. Charlie Sheen misspoke when he said 'Tiger Blood'. He meant 'Emerick Blood'. Emerick walks into a bar, and all the females will leave with him, because he is an Adonis, a Cadillac of men. Hell, even the guys want to leave with him, but Emerick doesn't roll like that.

Now, Emerick has what all the other candidates do not have. Experience. Sure, some of the other candidates have experience as MoFA, or some other position, but we president now. Emerick led America through arguably one of the most turbulent times in this eNation's history. When PEACE was all up in our regions, fondling them with their grubby hands, Emerick rode in and saved the day. When we felt like throwing in the towel, giving in to what was our supposed fate, Emerick was there to keep our spirits up, with his Cathode Side Chats, which gave us as a nation the strength to go on. When we turned the tide in the war, and kicked out the invaders, Emerick was there, fighting alongside the common man.

Emerick's greatness has helped other people achieve greatness. Two notables would have to be Josh Frost and Jewitt. Frost is the founder of Seal Team 6, one of the first militias with the intent to free regions from the clutches of PEACE/Phoenix. He has been president for three terms, and is a super awesome kitty guy. Jewitt led the nations through the Asian campaigns(known as the, where the goal was to retake Karnataka, Heilongjiang, and Liaoning(known as the Three Pillars) from the clutches of PEACE/Phoenix. Jewitt is also a super awesome Colbert.

In summation, Emerick's greatness knows no bounds. He has what everyone should seek to attain, and would want in the man that leads the nation, through what are sure to be trying times. Experience, persona, sex appeal, undeniable track record, these things are what make presidents. I hope that when you go to that voting booth on April 5th, and have the ballot in your hand, you make the right choice, the only choice for the people, for Terra, and for America.

She's voting Emerick/Combs. Are you?