End of a Journey

Day 929, 09:47 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

To the people of Singapore. As you know yesterday was our presidential election day. The people of Singapore went to the polls and cast their votes, all 100 of them. Of that 100, 57% cast their vote for Atracurium, 27% of you cast your votes for me and 16% for ice_freeze.

I would first off like to thank all of those who voted, especially those whom supported me. We fought a good race and braved scandal and came in a strong second place. I am very proud of those who supported me. Despite having the endorsement of a small party we held our ground against the support of the second and third largest parties in Singapore combined.

Yes, my friends we lost this election but it is not the end. No, this is just the beginning. I look forward to supporting president Atracurium and working with him and his administration. I know that under his leadership Singapore will become stronger and more efficient, I have spoken with him and we do agree on most of the issues, like bringing back war games, putting the government back to work and reforming the military.