Employee needed.

Day 202, 04:28 Published in Sweden Sweden by Popolo

Every citizen is very welcomed to join brand new tourist company Neckermann.
If you are not skilled in moving - dont worry, you will have opportunity to practise. Are you skilled in housing, but there are no offers on the market? Do you wanna change you occupation? You will have this opportunity in Neckermann. Are you high skilled but not satisfied with you salary? Neckermann shall value your experience and profesionalism.

Info about company:
Neckermann is a new founded company, that has its goal to provide the customers with tickets, holidays, resorts and trips everywhere they need it. From the begin, company is projected to become global, in the future we will obtain export licenses with the aim to be present in every country of the world. Employees can count on stabil, well paid job. We belive that we will follow the scale and reputation of our RL namesake.