Emerick! Our New President! For Now...

Day 624, 17:44 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

The Jaunty Mustache is ready to call this election. It looks like Emerick will win with 1565 votes. Harrison Richardson trails with 1154 votes. So unless HR is saving up 500 votes, in the mid hours of the night, for the biggest "gotcha moment" in ehistory, Emerick will win.

While I am a supporter of Emerick, his position on whether or not he would accept a PEACE treaty is alittle shady. On his campaign article he simply weighed both options without stating exactly what he would do. Now this may be "politics" but I'd personally like an answer. I have confidence in Emerick's ability to lead. He has a very good understanding of game mechanics which is something the previous administration lacked.

In other less hopefull news, Ontario and Texas are both under attack. IGNORE ALL OTHER BATTLES. While Texas is a major economic state and population hub for the US, Ontario is pretty much all that remains of Canada and if they lose it, they are done. Recently Spain has launched an attack on France to try to distract, and if worst comes to worst and Ontario falls, delay France from attacking for a day. Keep on fighting and follow order!