Emergency Presidency Speech

Day 1,100, 12:29 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Live Results Here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/Israel/law/61067

As you can see, it is most likely going to be that I will become Country President of eIsrael due to the Impeachment proposed by Joshua Hoss.

First off, before I say anything else, I would like to extend my congratulations to Gavin. The presidency is a tough job. Even though I have never held it, I am certain that from what I've heard and who I've talked to, having the job for a month is already tough. To try for 2 months might be near insanity, especially in a bustling place like eIsrael. I tip my hat to you, Gavin Wax, on a well run term in the highest office eIsraelis can bestow upon a citizen.

Now, unless something weird happens, I will be becoming CP in 20 hours (Its 15-0 at the moment)

So, I have to implement my EMERGENCY PLAN

If we follow the yellow-dotted line, I promise we will get out of this 10-day term efficiently.

The present cabinet will stay the same, but I will incorporate some duo-ministers in some of the areas. I have to find a new MoFA (my old job). Your new finance minister (for 10 days) is Zaib Atsu. Competent, and a boss. And won't steal. Gotta love the guy. The main goal with duo-ministers is to LEARN HOW TO WORK TOGETHER. Something this country has had issue with for a while.

Your cabinet will look like this:
VP: Yuvy15 (a boss), Rheinlander (a boss)
MoF- Zaib Atsu
MoFA- Perfect.Knight
MoI- Matan Danzinger, George Griffin
MoD- Matan9010

I feel that we are heading in the right direction with STAR, but we need to slow it down. There was a huge issue with ePhilippines because there was no strong communication point. We need to take a step back and go from there slower so that all points are connected and all boxes checked. Whoever takes my job as MoFA will also have to continue to work on MPPs.

That's really all I plan to do. Finish Gavin's term strong. Yes, I am running for CP in December, but that is not concerned with this. eIsrael is first. I am taking this in stride, and will help our country as much as I can. That is the goal.

o7 eIsrael

MoFA [Soon to be CP] Sam Krakower