Eletions around the World and other things...

Day 554, 09:18 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

While everyone has been alerted to the attacks on south Africa one major thing everyone missed out on...

South Africa has been PTO and retreated to 0 regions the country is no longer with us in eRep


Victors PTO

for those who cant see....Oo

Victor has gained 50% of the Indonesian Congress, only time will tell of what he will do 😛

Germany/Sweden war (half of Atlantis Vs other Half)

There has been Reports that Germany ALSO have been PTO but atm i have no further information on this

The update of the ATLANTIS battle

Poland has gained 2 German Regions out of 5 battles
Sweden has gained 3 German Regions out of 5 Battles

Spanish PTO Attempt
The Hungarians sent in teams and teams of voters to try out a PTO on Spain, but they had failed by 10 seats. The Spanish were saved by their allies such as the UK and the USA (and of course some from other countries)

That's the current Situation on all of the PTO attempts and of the War zones

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