Election Day Guideline

Day 806, 17:21 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom

Above: Prince Ciel Phantom's troops marching through Cardiff, Wales

Election Day Guideline

Greetings to all my fellow eAustrian citizens. I have decided to publish such an article for those who are still puzzled about who to vote for on Election Day which happens to take place in one day. I personally do not think the advertisements and whatnot should help you make up your mind as they can be kind of misleading and leave out information.

Now, I suggest you read this before you make your final decision and for the new comers in eAustria, try to learn about the history of the candidates. The reason why I didn't include Karanatec is because there hasn't been any hype surrounding his campaign. I did not include Borojevic because I have yet to hear anything about his campaign, so the two major candidates at the moment!

Tale of the Tales


*Bad Romance - Lady Gaga plays*(Symbolizes bobbySAURON insisted eRelationship with Oraizan)

eBirth: Day 466 of the New World

Political History: Illuminus Austria Party President
Former Japanese Country President
Congresswoman (Total of 8x)
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Japan 1x)
Minister of Education (Austria 1x)

Newspaper: Publisher of Ai no Hana

Military History: Supersoldier (5x)

Other: Employee Tohru & Oraizan Brigade
Hard Worker (6x Way to contribute to the economy!)

Campaign: "Respect, honor, independence" - I think this is basically stating the star qualities of one of our candidates, Oraizan.


*Carrea - Karl Wolf plays*

eBirth: Day 572 of the New World

Political History: Socialist Party, Party President
Congressmen (2x)
US Ambassador to Slovakia
Minister of Health (Austria, 1x)

Newspaper: Publisher, Hello World

Military History: Super Soldier (2x)

Other: Employee, SP Homes
Hard Worker (7x, Impressive)

Campaign: "Let's move eAustria forward"

Well, as you can see, Stancel has done alot in a short time but even so, I always prefer to vote for experience over anything else. I will now go on to list some areas where eAustria can use improvement

MPPs - Over the past few months we have seen eAustria quite frankly improve in this area which is a good sign for eAustria. But it is not only about the fact that we have improved but another thing to put into consideration is the type of improvement. Many think improvement can never be for the worse but that is the furthest you can get. I think it is a good idea to maintain our relationship with eFrance but many Presidents look to this as a last resort when their term in office have epically failed or haven't shown any good signs. Concerning our other MPPs, I suggest we do not start another one unless we intend to have a relationship likewise the one with eFrance but at the same time is should also be for training wars.

Wars - Seriously, eAustria, we cannot depend on other countries to provide us with wars all the time. This is of course the reason why many greats have left eAustria and if anyone of the candidates don't make an effort to do this then we are seriously stuck in the same Era of Bullcrap for another period of thirty one days. Can you wait this long? I don't think I can. Anyways, even if it is just to attack one of the smaller populated nations, Im all for it.

Economy - There have been many efforts by individuals to change this and I suggest to the future leaders of the country to try and seek out those individuals and include them in your economical change plan, even if it means including them in your cabinet.

Military - It is quite obvious that eAustria has done a good job in maintaining their military status. Okay, now that we have done that, can we not improve it? Maybe opening up our military to other countries would be a good start? Get a fancy ad and a great typer who knows more than one language and there you go, we got atleast five new members into our squad? But this would also mean using the Congress citizenship passes? Why not? I mean the Congress members just passed up someone who has been active in our community and whatnot for some time now. I have used mines to bring in someone as part of the New Citizen Initiative but it seems this term, the Congress members prove to not care about any other issues except voting and etc.



Chief of Staff - Metallon
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Rangeley
Minister of Defense - Yonai Keiko
Secretary of Defense - Husker
Minister of Finance - Stoneman
Secretary of Finance - Karantanec
Minister of Health - Borojevic
Minister of Education - Eisenhorn


Pending. But I mean, who else is there for you to choose in eAustria, Stancel? It is quite obvious that you may have to bring in some without any experience unless I am of course, incorrect.

Campaign Goals

Oraizan - Increase Population by 10%
Increase GDP by 5%
Keep current regions

Stancel - Increase Population by 25%
Increase GDP by 10%
Keep current regions

Quite huge goals there, Stancel. Addressing both candidates, I hope your terms are actually based around increasing those things and not just doing them for votes.


I will close this, if I do say so myself, wonderful review, by first stating that I am in support of both candidates and both are pretty close friends but it is obvious that I may only vote for one. I would have to go with Oraizan this term just because of her cabinet, considering it has persons such as Rangeley, Borojevic, Metallon and Karanatec. Like, I said, I always go with experience over anything else and it is quite obvious that Oraizan's cabinet is full of experience players and former presidents and presidential candidates. I wish to thank you all for reading this

Ciel Phantom
Prince of eAustria
Nazi Austria