Election Day Covereage

Day 836, 14:33 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

I found it interesting as I was looking around to see who was running in the big players on the world stage that the current leader in Hungary has no goals. It's not a huge lead, and perhaps being Radical is enough for a fair bit of Hungary this go around - I can't say, since I haven't been keeping up with the Hungarian media. Would any of our Hungarian friends care to comment on their situation at home?

Looks like eBelgium will be back in the hands of eBelgians soon enough - all the talk of strategic voter reduction makes me hungry for a BLT for some reason...

Brazil may be tired of their wars; the current leader's goals suggest pushing for a babyboom and not over-extending for now. On the heels of what must've been a humiliating - though certainly well-fought - defeat, this seems likely to resonate with the hypothetical eBrazillian.

I don't know enough about India to know if this is a PTO attempt, but it smells a bit fishy. Can anyone speak to it?

France seems bound and determined to get their numbers up - I wonder how many existing French nationals have switched their eNationality in the face of the continuing occupation? The main debate seems to be not whether to take back their homeland, but how to focus about getting the monuments for doing so. Best of luck - perhaps you'll get an Arc d' Triumphe, non?

Pretty beat today, trying to ease back into this - perhaps I'll post more later. Any elections anyone else is watching?