Election Candidate Analysis

Day 986, 07:36 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

The Presidential Elections are near, and two legitimate Candidates have come forward, Grimstone and Champinator. This article is contains a summary of their policies and word analysis of either candidates platforms, as well as a side by side comparisons of a set of questions I wrote and sent for each of them to answer. I hope it will help you decide who you would like to be our legitimate Country President. To find out more on the elections, please browse the forums or send me a PM via our forums.

The summaries are lifted from the candidates articles. The word analysis graphic calculates the frequency in which a occurs excluding common words.



- New, innovative ways to increase economic activity to prevent our hard-earned money being drained out of our country to benefit the pockets of PTO'ers.
- New and innovative military strategy.
- Initiatives to increase activity and interaction between players.
- Grow our community by both immigration from other countries and getting more new players to join us.
- Unity and solidarity.


- IRC coordinated military attacks.
- Plans for the restructuring would be to have units based on time zones.
- Plan on implementing the Ministry of Tourism again.
- Spending more focus on the Department of Education.

Word Analysis

Both players platforms are very different and focus on very different things. It is not so obvious when you read them independently, but what they focus on and relate too are very different and that can be shown through this analysis. This analysis is on the graphic alone and therefore may not be entirely correct and I had to make many assumptions when writing.


The main focus here is on words such as ‘Country’, ‘PTO’, ‘Resistance’, ‘New’, ‘Game’, ‘Economics’. This suggests that Grimstone is very much of what is happening now, and dealing with it is the at most importance to him. He will get our country back through must means suggesting that he is not afraid to make sacrifices implying he could be a bold leader. It also shows he has a wide knowledge of eRepublik and understands how every thing inter-connects.

The surrounding words are ‘Leadership’, ‘Unity’, ‘Supporting’, ‘Control’, ‘Interactive’, ‘Solidarity’. He think our best chances would be to work together as a one under a strong leadership team. It is important we stick together on this and trust those that lead our country.


There is not many words that stick out as much, the few are ‘People’, ‘Plan’, ‘Time’. Champinator is very much wanting to work with the people of our country and believes he understand them. He has plans on what to do and I assume would like to plan further before carrying out actions. He is very aware of time frames that surrounds him.

The other words are a mix showing that everything to him is balanced. There is no clear direction to what he believes but this could mean, as mentioned, that he wants the thoughts and ideas of the people.


You will first see the question and then Grimstone’s (G) answer followed by Champinator’s (C) answer. These questions I sent to them via a PM in which they responded in their own time. They have decided to release the interviews themselves as part of their campaign which I have no objections to. I am displaying them here as I say for you to compare.

1) Why are you running for country President?

(G) I believe I’m ready to tackle this prestigious position. I have been in politics quite a while now and have learnt a great deal from a lot of people I had the pleasure of working with. I am still fresh and have not burnt out. I’m active, dedicated and thorough in all my work.

(C) I really want to help my country out this coming term, and I believe that I can do so by becoming Country President and getting things done.

2) What do you and your party stand for?

(G) As a member of the Independent Alternative, I believe in a NO BS approach to politics. This means that I am open about my motives. I do what I say and operate without hidden agendas. It also means I respect opinions of others and believe in a supportive space where everyone can voice their views.

(C) When you ask what me and my party stand for, you are really referring to the same thing. I share the same beliefs as my party, which are quite simple. Do whatever it takes to help out eSA. That is honestly our main goal and I hold it very close to me.

3) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

(G) Strengths: Would have to be my dedication and activity levels to this came. I believe knowledge is wealth. I am focused, proactive, Honest and a peoples person. I work well with others and I am self motivated. I am also a very good mediator and can avert conflict

Weaknesses: I can’t say I don’t have any weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses, for one, I would have to say I tend to get bored if nothing is happening.

(C) My strengths are definitely my experience and leadership. I've had the chance to hold many different positions, some of the leader type and some not, and they have all taught me many things that I believe contribute towards a great prospect of a CP. My weaknesses, actually weakness, would be my lack of involvement in the military. During this PTO, military experience will be crucial and unfortunately I have pretty much kept to politics and the economy. I am in the Praetorian Guard, and looking for a promotion soon but I haven't put much focus on this aspect.

4) How much time do you currently spend on eRepublik and how much do you plan to spend once you become president?

(G) I spend a lot of time on eRepublik and the forums. I also spend some time on IRC. I would have to say based on forum and game activity I am highly active. As for IRC I am not very active but spend about 2-3 hours a day on there. If I am elected I will always be reachable in a very short time in game or on the forum. Due to work constraints and internet access I am unable to access the IRC 24/7, but will always be available through other communication channels.

(C) I spend LOTS of time on the forums, IRC, and the game itself. And I plan on spending even more time if I become CP. With more responsibility comes more demands and one of those demands is to spend lots of time doing your various duties and I am ready to take it on.

5) What do you think is required to be a good President?

(G) A good president is one who is willing to listen to his advisers and take note of what they have to say to ensure an informed decision. A person who is willing to put the nation and its people first before himself. A person who is trustworthy and importantly someone who is willing to make tough decisions.

(C) Experience and good leadership are the two main characteristics that a CP needs to have. Without them, you will not be able to do anything well for your country. You also have to have an imagination that can think up great ways to better your country.

6) What are the responsibilities for you of being President?

(G) To look after our country and its citizens. To surround myself with an awesome team who can help me achieve the goals I have set out. It would also involve liaising with international presidents, negotiations of various things including that of MPP’s. To increase populations growth and to also increase our economic standing.

(C) A CP has many responsibilities. Should I become CP I will have to politic with other countries all day, keep watch over eSA's citizens, look out for any threats, help out the various branches of the government, make smart decisions, and overall, just give every little thing 110%, 100% of the time.

7) Many experienced players have now left, how are you now going to compile a strong Cabinet? Particularly though these troubled times.

(G) Well to be honest, no one is irreplaceable. I am not trying to sound egotistical when I say that. But it is a fact. Through generations people come and go. It is how we adapt which makes one successful. Yes experienced players have left the game but not all of them. I have also had the pleasure of working with the lesser experienced players during my terms in congress and in the ministries. I have conversed with many people in the forums and also read a lot of posts. Using all these attributes I have no doubt I would be able to select a competent team to work along side me.

(C) It is true that many experienced players have left and we are short of some key components of our country, but many players are ready to step up to the plate. With the Deputy Minister program we have, there are plenty of people ready to move up to full out Ministers. These people have been trained by some of the best player to grace our country so I am positive they are capable of doing a great job. Not only that, there are always plenty of regular citizens who show some interest in a Ministry, start to get involved a lot, and really show that they are ready to move up to the next level.

😎 We are now in a State of Emergency, what are your thoughts to regaining control of our country?

(G) We have to face facts, we are in a situation which cannot easily be reversed. It is going to take some time. Citizens need to know this upfront. In order for us to succeed in anything especially regaining our country we need to learn what it means to UNITE. Without unity amongst eSA’ers we may have little chance in succeeding. Secondly we need to work on ATO efforts and get more people into eSA. We would also need to grow our population with newborns to assist us.

(C) Party Politics is going to need to be overhauled. Last Congressional Elections, there really was not enough talk between parties. That needs to change. Also, the Ministry of Security needs to be buffed up with more members and more people in the ATO initiative. Constant good relations with our allies is also essential to maintaining what little control we have now and hopefully, regaining total control in a near date. Our allies can give us crucial information that we may not be able to achieve. And should war break out, the close relations would result in much needed help.

9) Are you willing to take advice from other people and implement what they say even if it is not your personal belief?

(G) YES, if I say no, it would mean I am selfish and self centred. I choose a cabinet which is there to advise me and assist me in making a decision. Together everyone achieves more. If there is Diversity in opinions it would increase the probability of making better decisions.

(C) I am always open to advice, comments, and concerns. I am choosing a great Cabinet that I know will tell me whats right and what needs to be done. And I will listen to them and do as they say because I picked them due to their superior knowledge of whatever it is their a Minister of.

10) Is bureaucracy important?

(G) Yes, Bureaucracy is the combined organizational structure, procedures, protocols, and set of regulations in place to manage activity and relationships. It is intended to anticipate needs and improve efficiency.

(C) Bureaucracy is important to any country and eSA is no different. Without one, things cannot be done. Plans will not be implemented. As a whole, the country can't move forward without it.

11) What is your current stance on V2?

(G) Well, V2 is new to us all. I believe we need to give it some more time and assess it. A lot of people do not like change and are set in their ways. New things always catch one of guard and we need to do our best to adapt.

(C) I know many people hate it, but I actually like it. I find the war module much more interesting because it actually involves a lot more strategy and skill than before. The way the skills are split up is sorta interesting too; it provides so many possibilities and options. The couple things I don't like, though, are that houses will be used up after a certain amount of time, and that DS and hospitals will be used up. It really stinks that you spend all this money just to have the item disappear eventually. I also don't like that the economy is really screwy right now, but I'm sure that will balance out in time.

12) In 100 words (5% slide), persuade me to vote for you.

(G) I have no doubt that I am the right person for the job. I am active, loyal, trustworthy. I am driven, proactive and focused on the tasks set before me. I’m a peoples person and a good listener. I have what it takes to make tough decisions and work well with others. I cannot promise that we will get our country back in my term if I am elected. Make no mistake I will strive to unite our nation because if we work together as we have done in the past we have more chance of success.

(C) Persuasion is not my thing. Presenting facts and hoping you realize they are legit and mean that I'm a great candidate, however, is my thing. I am definitely very well experienced. I've been an Ambassador to about 6 different counties since January. I have been in Congress for 6 terms plus this shadow term. I've been Party President of the NPSA twice. I'm in the Economic Council, Praetorian Guard, and I've been Deputy Speaker of Congress once. During all these positions I have shown that I am holding eSA in my best interests and always am giving it my all.


So there we have it. Summary of policies, Word Analysis and a comparison of their interview answers. It is up to you to decided how they performed in each of the three areas and how you will vote come election day. I feel I need give a quick explanation to why Grimstone appeared before Champinator. On the Interview answers Grimstone put a space between the question and the answer where Champinator did not. I saved a few seconds and a bit of hassle. That was it.

Good luck to both candidates on election day and to my readers, I hope you found this useful.
