eIsrael wants YOU!

Day 1,032, 12:19 Published in USA Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eAmericans. I am Gavin former eIsraeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Speaker of the Knesset, and now Minister of Exterior Affairs. Im writing this article in an attempt to encourage you the reader to pack up shop and hop on over to eIsrael.

eIsrael is a fascinating and exciting Country. We have many characters, egos, and personalities here. All of which love to get along and sing koombaya.

Just kidding eIsrael has its problems and Im not gonna try to paint a paradise for you because it isnt. Its a small country with many divisions and not the greatest economy. But thats not to say it has no opportunities.

The fact that we are a small community is actually a plus for people. Its not a huge overwhelming place. Its easy to start to get involved make a different and be heard. Everyone here is nice and welcoming despite what I said earlier. Its an extremely English friendly country with 90% of all Article in English and another 5% bilingual. The Government operates using English and most of our Presidents have been English Speaking Americans. There is a large (if not a majority) English speaking community here in eIsrael that you all could easily assimilate into.

If you are business oriented and looking for a place to make a profit eIsrael is the perfect place. There is little competition, plenty of available labor, fair taxes, and low Minimum Wages. All you need to do is open a company are your already guaranteed to make profits from the start.

If you are a fighting kind of person and like action and adventure whats better then look no further then eIsrael. We usually get invaded by Turkey every other week or so. This ties in with the economic aspect. More wars = More Weapons = More Money to be made.

If you are new to the game eIsrael has a mentor program that can help you get acquainted with everything. We have many citizens who can help you through the game.

Well thats about it. I guess I could say we have candy but that seems somewhat cliched. We have good Hummus though if your into that.

If your interested in moving over please feel free to message me and I hope to make your move here as easy as possible. If not still vote the article subscribe and say "Good job gavin" so my superiors think im doing a good job.

K thanks.

Oh yeah I almost forgot.

here are some pictures of Half Naked Israeli Models. Sex Sells After all. So oogle at the pictures and then think in your mind "Me Moving to eIsrael = having sex with hot models" Dont think about it too much though just go with it and all your dreams will come to.