eIsrael has the Watchmen!

Day 952, 08:00 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

*Editor's Note: Before you start flipping out at this article, it's all in good fun,so enjoy it!*


If you haven't noticed the stealthy movements around here with some people's avatars, it turns out that some of us have decided to form a group called the Watchmen in eIsrael.

If you don't know what Watchmen is, go here and learn about it.

Needless to say, eIsrael's Watchmen have been born! Time for the introductions.

Lobe, AKA Dr. Manhattan

Maelyn, AKA Silk Spectre

70mDII, AKA Nite Owl

Sam Krakower, AKA Ozymandias

Will Krakower, AKA Rorschach

Dimitar Boneparte, AKA The Comedian

The Watchmen are here.

Now, what is a group like the Watchmen going to do in eRepublik? And more specifically, eIsrael?

Well, instead of coming through your computers, hacking them, and destroying you, we are going to try to be mediators of conflicts that really don't need to be conflicts. Before anything really bad escalates, we will try our best to stop any serious problems from bursting out into the open. If it does, we will still try to stop it. Most of us here have some great eRepublik experience (with the exception of Rorschach, he's a noob, but thats ok) so we decided to form this group up for the benefit of eIsrael. Hopefully you will all take advantage of this opportunity.

If you don't, we'll get the Comedian to kill you.

Just Kidding.


Oh Yeah, and Listen to this/Watch it after you read. It tells the story of the Watchmen. Caution: It is pretty graphic, so if you're queasy, just listen to it and have a different window open.

Watchmen Opening---http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrVZVw500

Hope you enjoyed it!

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

The Watchmen

"We can do so much more. We can save this world... with the right leadership."