eIrish-eCanadian Relation and The Future

Day 1,590, 17:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by Engineer0

In this article I will attempt to lay out what I believe the future between eIreland and eCanada should be.

As with the last article, please keep in mind that I am a month-old noob and have tried to patch together a coherent view of the situation through multiple perspectives and articles. If there's an inaccuracy or blatant falsehood in what I say, calmly tell me in a PM or in the comments section.

Recently, eIreland signed a peace treaty with the eUK, ensuring they would have a congress this term in exchange for regions and resources. This treaty, based on my outside opinion, was made for several reasons. The alliance ONE has been emerging recently and our damage is better used in critical battles, not in fighting down resistance wars in the eUK. As Malbekh pointed out, negotiating in a position of strength is always preferred, and we sealed off our differences in our backyard for awhile in order to help our allies overseas. eFrance has much more important campaign to deal with, and so the eUK forces regained London and ensured they would have a congress this term. Knowing this, we settled with the eUK to extract regions and resources for eIreland.

But here is where the snag happened. Our longtime ally and occupying partner, eCanada, was not contacted/was mis-directed about our intentions in this treaty. eCanada has a record of leaking sensitive military information which hurt eIreland, and so the eIrish government decided to simply avoid this possible occurrence by not contacting eCanada at all.

Our government was in a very tricky situation here, trying to balance needed secrecy with ally relations. While it's a tough call, I just wish that our allies were better informed. We were at fault because we believed that two wrongs make a right. That because eCanada had wronged us (leaking military intel), we were entitled to wrong them (by not informing them about our policy shift with the eUK).

And while we made mistakes, eCanada then proceeded with a ham-handed response. They issued a Natural Enemy proposal as a "warning shot". This only angered and confused people on both sides. The madness descended into high ranking government officials on both sides arguing in the comment sections of articles. This needs to be done in IRC chats or PMs; it just sends the wrong message. eCanada decided that going to war was a suitable response to the lack of communication between long-time allies. Polarization escalated on both sides.

But this article is not meant to lay blame on individuals or nations and leave it at that.

As a month-old noob, I hope to propose a solution to the tricky and frustrating situation we are in 😃.

First, both sides need to swallow their e-prides, come to the table, and admit that they made mistakes. eIreland for not informing and working with an ally, as well as mis-directing the eCanadian government. And eCanada for publishing sensitive military information and extremely over-reacting to the chain of events.

Everyone needs to remember to step back. ONE, both sides' true foe, is emerging again. eCanada and eIreland have been allies for years, and things like this happen between allies occasionally; it's certainly not an issue to tear up the friendship that has flourished between the two nations. A war between eIreland and eCanada wouldn't prove anything and would only accelerate ONE's rise.

eCanada should agree that they'll keep sensitive military information secret, while eIreland should inform and work with eCanada as happy partners once again.

I encourage people on both sides to vote for presidents who will restore the historic friendship between our two nations on the 5th, as well as renewing our MPP that expires in 12 days.

I do believe that the best of this long-time alliance between eCanada and eIreland is ahead of us! Let's make that a reality.

Allies Forever!

As Always
