eIndonesia Power Rankings

Day 465, 18:05 Published in Indonesia South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

A snapshot of all eIndonesian sales data was taken over a 5 day period from day 460 to day 465. Here are the results.

Sales (IDR)

Which companies have the higest revenue?

1) Ond3l's Mansion - 4043.20
2) Ond3l's Armory - 1383.77
3) Ak- 47 - 1346.47
4) RUMAH SEHAT - 1344.00
5) Ascardia Weapon - 1294.46

Sales Growth (😵

Which companies have grown the most?

1) Indonesian AirForce - 2816400%
2) Pasir Besi - 179700%
3) Perth Diamond - 43400%
4) lthezoil - 12500%

Top Industries (😵

Which industries are in most demand?

1) Weapon - 39.82%
2) Food - 23.52%
3) Moving Tickets - 15.38%
4) House - 13.72%
5) Gift - 4.88%
6) Diamonds - 1.96%
7) Iron - 0.30%
😎 Oil - 0.20%%
9) Grain - 0.17%
10 Wood - 0.06%

The eFinancial Review compiles the Power Rankings report based on a daily snapshot of this data.